"Fine. Maybe."
"I can work with that."
I let out a breathy sound as we fall silent.
"So did I completely ruin your birthday? I hate how we left things."
"I ruined my own birthday," I sigh. "Speaking of, I should probably go. My Mom is pretty pissed."
"Yeah, okay." He attempts a small smile. "Can I call you tomorrow?"
"I think I need a few days to calm down."
He slowly nods.
I wave.
"Wait!" he stops just before my hand hits the button. "Was he really a better kisser than me?"
I roll my eyes before hanging up.
Of course not.
Admiting you’re obsessed with a bad thing means nothing when you don't want to get rid of the bad thing you're obsessed with, despite knowing it's bad.
If Asher hasn't already completely ruined me he's damn close.
Giving him a chance would be a massive leap of faith. One that could pay off big time or leave me alone forever.
There’s no Asher Montgomery Rehab Clinic, and when he's done with me I'm sure that's exactly what I'll need.
Although I bet with the amount of girls he's been with, there might actually already be one.
I make a mental note to look it up later. Then try to enjoy what's left of my birthday.
Asher and I don't talk for three days.
Three days.
That's how long it takes for him to show up at my door.
I'm off work for the week. I thought it would be fun. Asher, and then my Birthday, and then time off.
Of course nothing ever goes as planned.
I almost wish I had work to go to. Instead I have time. Time to think.
It doesn't take me long to realize Asher was right.
I am scared.
And I'm missing the person I used to talk to every day.
At this point its barely been two days.
I saw him Friday. Spoke to him Saturday. Wallowed in pity and confusion Sunday.
But by Monday I missed him.
That worries me.
Tuesday morning, after a quick Five Life’s Mission, I come to the conclusion that I need to focus on myself.
Maybe he won't ruin me if I have other things going on in my life besides him. Like a career I'm actually interested in, or a hobby.
I leave my phone upstairs all day. That way I'm not tempted to do anything stupid.
Ben is at camp. Dad is working. Mom is around.
Step One, a change of career.
It's no secret working at the magazine doesn't make me happy anymore, if it ever truly did.
But what do I want to do?
I sit in that damn kitchen chair thinking for hours.
I come up with nothing.
Even Mom eventually feels bad.
She ends up ignoring whatever she had planned for the day and starts bouncing suggestions off me.
She's a great Mom.
Only, like the brat I've become, my mood more sour than ever, I turn everything down with an attitude she doesn't deserve.
"Maybe something with computers?" She breaks pasta in half and drops it into a pot of boiling water.
I can't believe it's already dinner time.
I've literally been at this all day with zero progress.
I offer a blank stare on the verge of giving up, something I likely should have done many hours ago.
Then it hits me.
“Jess said Australia was amazing. Maybe I’ll move there?” Maybe it's not the job itself but where I am.
Maybe I need to get out of the Country.
"And what would you do when you get there?" She's got a tone, treating me like I'm a child. I know it's only because I'm acting like one.
I lean back and cross my arms.
“Maybe I'll just stay here forever then. Get a cat. Become an old spinster." It's probably the most accurate thing I've said all day. I'll skip ten steps ahead and not even wait for Asher to break me.
"Elle..." she warns.
"Ben's a good kid. He'll give you those grandkids you've always wanted. I'll give you cats."
She gives me another look, just as the doorbell rings. “Can you grab that?”
“Are you expecting someone?” I stand. I didn't realize how good it feels to move.
Moms have a funny way of knowing what you need and how to make it happen.
She shakes her head. "I called Ben home from Alex's ten minutes ago. He probably forgot his key again."
I roll my eyes and head for the foyer, opening the front door.
"Ben, you have to- Asher!?" My jaw drops. My walls are crumbling faster than I can inhale my next breath. I was not expecting this. Let alone the biggest bouquet of roses I have ever seen. No one has ever brought me flowers before. Or cared enough to show up like this after a fight. He moves them to the side as our stare locks. Shit. He looks sad, and confused, and yet elated, like there's a million things he wants to say.
He might actually look worse than I do.
"Hey," he whispers, holding out the bouquet.
"This is insane." It takes two hands and leaning them on my chest to bring them inside.