Page 74 of Starstruck

I swallow hard.

"See even now. The way you're looking at me. You think I'm just saying - oh shit."

I don't need his pants off to get my point across.

Yes I have issues. Yes I think he could never be faithful because of who he is. Yes I think I'll forever be into him more than he is with me. But right now I'm trying new things. And cotton tastes like shit.

"Okay, fuck this." He drops his pants. His hand lands on the back of my head, urging me forward.

After a few licks I pull away. I didn't take into account just how vulnerable I'd feel doing this. Or the fact that I'm likely nowhere near as skilled as half the girls he's been with. "Uh... like that?" I bite my lip.

"Oh just like that." He brings me back.

I hesitantly continue.

As the seconds pass I grow more sure, of myself, and of what I'm doing.

It's sort of invigorating.


Especially as he starts lowly chanting my name in between things like, it feels good and don’t stop.

"If you don't want to swallow I suggest you move."

I remain where I am.

"Fuck," he lets out a low moan, pressing the back of my head into him.

I choke a little, but ultimately manage.

Then I pull away.

"I guess I'll head to the guestroom now?"

"Come on," I roll my eyes, wipe my mouth, shut the light, and climb into bed.

He slides under the covers next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

It doesn't take me long to pass out.

I wake to something hard poking my back.

In the dark room it all comes back to me.

We took things further than we ever have before.

Unfortunately I don't think it changed anything for him.

By now I know Asher. I know he didn't just come visit for some action. A month ago I would have thought otherwise. I would have thought this was his conceited, asshole, cocky celebrity status needing to get whatever he wanted. I mean he can, literally from anyone. If it's the chase he's into he put a lot of time in over the past many weeks just for a blowjob.

But that's not the Asher I've come to know.

Deep down I know that.

Yet at the same time, knowing him - I know this changes nothing. His career is too important.

I also know I can never have sex with him.

I can't cross that line unscathed.

His hand grips me tighter.

I roll over to face him.

Our eyes briefly meet before our lips do.

Our tongues play like they never have before. My lips tingle, swollen, never having been kissed this much.

No words are exchanged.

Fully clothed we start to rub together.

Our hands explore and grab and pull.

It’s innocent enough.

Until the moans begin and the pace quickens.

Quiet little moans that are like screams in the other persons mouth.

And that's with our clothes on.

"Shit I’m gonna make a mess."

"Don’t stop," I barely get out the whisper. "Please."

I think he was planning to stop. Something in my voice makes him continue.

I feel it happen, his release only moments before mine. His hand grips my hip. Hard. It helps with my shaking, holding me tightly against him as we fall.

Then we go back to sleep.

A knock wakes me and my eyes flutter open.

“Come in,” I whisper. I sit up in a panic.

Asher is not in the guestroom! He wasn't supposed to sleep in here!

Luckily when I look over the spot next to me is empty.

Yet a flood of new worries slams into my chest.

“Good morning,” Mom appears with a smile.

Just then I notice Asher walking out of the bathroom just behind her, freshly showered. He's drying his hair with a towel, his shirt lifting in the process. I can’t help but stare.

Last night a part of him was mine.

Mom turns around and then faces me, clearing her throat.

I instantly look away.

“See, she sleeps late if you let her."

"To be fair she gets up ridiculously early most days."

Is Asher defending me?

Mom smiles. “Eggs or pancakes, dear?”

Asher slides in past her. “Eggs, please,” he gives her a quick peck on the cheek.

I shake my head at how strange this is.

"Be down in ten." She warns, shutting the door.

Of course she doesn’t ask me what I want to eat.

"So tell me again how often you talk to my parents?"

"Yetta and Abe?" He teases. "Maybe once a week. Ben a little more."

"You're joking."

"Nope," he grabs his phone off my dresser and tosses it my way. "Check if you don't believe me."

Crap he is telling the truth. I don't need to pick up his phone to know that.

I bite my lip, thinking.

Verdict is still out on if I think it's cute or completely terrifying and embarrassing.

"Asher? You in there?" Ben knocks.

"Yeah bud, be right there!"

I give him a look.

"Sorry," he shrugs. "Told Ben we'd get a quick game in. Video game stuff. You wouldn't understand. See you at breakfast?"