Page 69 of Starstruck

It's a menu.

"You're definitely staying. Pick out what you want."

I didn't realize Mona was even here, in New York. Not until she interrupts breakfast.

She has her own key and barges in. Sees me and stops dead in her tracks. Saying she's not pleased is putting it mildly.

"Asher, you didn't - you promised, with no NDA-"

"Mona," he hisses.

A burst of energy slams into my chest. I think he's about to defend us. Tell her whatever happened is none of her damn business. Then hopefully enlighten me on what yesterday and last night meant.

Only I'm the one who gets the punch in the gut.

"Let's just go." He stands, unable to look my way.

This calms her.

"I'll say," she rolls her eyes. "We have to-"

"I'll meet you in the car."

"I'll send Tiny to collect you in two."

"Five minutes." He pleads.

"Three," she counters, staring me down. "We don't have that kind of time." Her phone rings. She answers it and holds up three fingers as she walks out.

The room is silent.

"Sorry about that," he mumbles. "I can have a car take you to-"

"I can manage."

"Hey," he tries to catch my stare. "I said I'm sorry. I didn't know she'd-"

"It's fine," I roll my eyes.

"I had the best night."

"Yeah," I nod. "Me too."

Our stare locks.

Last night in this suite it didn't feel like he was Asher Montgomery, celebrity, but I guess reality had different ideas.

"Actually," he sighs, "there's one more thing I have to talk to you about."

"Um, okay."

His next return?

Giving us a shot as more than friends?

"I'm in such a rush to get back to LA because tonight I’m going to be photographed having dinner with Sabrina. We’re going to kiss in public and stuff. It's good PR for the movie."

I look away and bite my lip.

Kiss in public.

And stuff?

What does that even mean?

I try to keep the anger at bay as confusion swirls in my head.

Is he telling me this because he's my friend or because he wants more and feels bad about it?

Either way it doesn't matter. I'm angry. I'm angry he waited until he made out with me and had me sleeping next to him, basically naked, to tell me this. I'm mad he tried to fuck me. Thank god I didn't let him. Most of all I'm mad that I'm not good enough to be his girlfriend.

I won't let myself be a side piece. I don't randomly lay next to someone all night naked if I'm not involved with them, only I did with you because you seem to say friends but not let go of the fact that you clearly want to be more than that.

I don't say any of that though.

I plaster a smile on my face and nod - too stunned to do anything else. He stares for a bit longer. He's waiting for an actual response.

"Oh great," I mutter, my teeth gritted.

He instantly relaxes.

"Wow! You’re being way cooler than I thought. This is why we make such awesome friends. You’re the best, Elle!"

Fucking great.

I cry on the drive back to my parents.

Then, as if I needed any more confusion, around two am my phone dings with a text.

The Nicest Man Ever: Thinking of you.



A couple of weeks pass. Asher and I have been talking and texting everyday. He's become a part of my routine. Whenever something happens, no matter how small, he's the first person I tell, and I think the same goes for him.

Me: I just saw a mouse race across the subway tracks.

The Nicest Man Ever: It was probably a rat.

Me: Ewwww. How would you even know?

The Nicest Man Ever: I watch a lot of movies. How big was it?

Me: Huge. Maybe it was a squirrel.

The Nicest Man Ever: LOL. Definitely a rat.

Me: Do you think that's why it smells so bad down here? It's full of dead rats?

The Nicest Man Ever: This was not the visualization I was expecting so early in the morning.

Me: Haha. Sorry. Train is pulling up now.

The Nicest Man Ever: TTYL

The Nicest Man Ever: My lunch is shaped like an old lady with a mole in a precarious place.

Me: Pic or I don't believe you.

The Nicest Man Ever: [attachment]

Me: God that's hideous.

The Nicest Man Ever: How am I supposed to eat this?

Me: You can't. Trade her in for a pizza.

The Nicest Man Ever: Good call.

The Nicest Man Ever: What are you doing? I still can't believe you took the train again today. How's work going?

Me: I mean it takes forever, but saves! Are you saying you don't love getting a text from me at what... 2am your time?

The Nicest Man Ever: It's a joy.

Me: I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.

The Nicest Man Ever: Well that sucks for you.

Me: Ass.

The Nicest Man Ever: What happened to blowing through your savings?

Me: You thought it was a good idea so I figured it wasn't.