I pause and glance back his way, but he's too busy to notice.
As I push open a set of double doors people are waiting, all girls, no doubt wondering if they’ll have their chance at Asher.
Jealousy is not a good look for me.
They yell questions, like how was it and how did I get to go in?
I force a smile and continue past, solidifying that there is literally nothing good that could come from this.
In fact he's probably meeting some cool fan right now. She'll catch his interest like I did - some other loser who'll provide his entertainment for the season.
God I'm dumb.
I hear Sam.
Of course my luck would have her finding me.
I flash my best attempt at a smile and spin around.
“Hey, can you believe this?” I motion at the insanity around us.
“I know! Where are you sitting?”
We start down the promenade, past the merchandise stalls and food stands. I find the ticket I got from work and look at it for the first time. Then show it to her.
Fourth row, not bad.
We stop as we see the press line being let in.
Sam’s magazine didn’t get an interview either.
“I heard Amelia yelling on Friday about it,” she laughs. “Her outrage was particularly intense.”
“Yeah,” I roll my eyes.
“I don't know how you handle it. At least my boss doesn't expect us to interview him on a night like tonight.”
"I understand unrealistic expectations?"
I groan.
It's the first time Amelia and I aren't too far off.
My phone vibrates in my pocket and I fish it out.
Asher wants to know where I went.
I give Sam a look, realizing she's waiting for me to respond.
“So, um, how was your dinner on Friday?” I notice the ring on her finger.
She holds up her hand and gushes.
“It happened!”
“That’s great, congrats!” I give her a hug.
“I know! I’ll try and tone down my wedding planning around the office, for your sake.”
“Oh,” I make a face and put my phone away without responding. “You don’t have to do that.”
“Don't worry, Travis will propose soon,” she offers an apologetic smile.
“It’s fine. Really.” I assure, just as my phone vibrates again.
I ignore it, but after the third time I take it back out.
Asher wants to talk.
I close my eyes and attempt to think. I guess I thought he'd be so busy he wouldn't notice I was gone. Then I'd send him a text tomorrow or something.
That will never work.
“Who’s The Nicest Guy Ever?” Sam peers over my shoulder.
I immediately click off the screen.
“An, um, friend... Uh, you know what, I’m not feeling so well,” I grab my stomach in a pathetic attempt to fake being sick.
“Wait, what?” she wails, rightfully not believing a word.
“Yeah,” I sigh. “I shouldn’t have eaten off a street cart on the way here. You’d think I’d know better by now.”
“Are you crazy?” she shouts, but I'm already backing away. “I don’t care if you vomit on the person in front of you, Elle, this is the biggest night ever!”
People are starting to look our way.
“I know, I can’t believe it either,” I shrug. “Here,” I rush back and hand her my ticket. “Call a friend, or your fiancé!” I wave goodbye and blend in with the crowd before she can stop me.
I don't know what I'm doing.
I get as far away as possible. Then find a door. I guess I'm going to have to talk to Asher afer all.
There's a security guard standing in front of it, so I know it must lead to the right place.
"Hey, I need to get back there."
He gives me a look like I’m mentally challenged.
“Oh!” I realize I don’t have my lanyard on. I slip the necklace over my head and hold up the plastic pass.
He carefully examines it, staring long and hard. Then he calls his supervisor over and asks if it's legit.
I take it as a sign that I should have left, but now I'm more annoyed than anything.
It doesn't make sense to anyone else either, that I would have a backstage pass.
The supervisor berates him. Apparently the pass allows me to go anywhere and he should have known that.
"It's fine, really," I lowly interject. I hope I did the right thing in staying.
“Right this way, miss,” he apologetically lets me through.
The door closes behind me with a loud thud. All the commotion and noise is suddenly silenced, but I'm so on edge the quietness is deafening.
I check my phone. I haven't heard from Asher again. The press interviews have probably started, and I have no idea where to go, so I follow the paper signs to that area.
When I arrive the door is shut, but I hear him on the other side. I slouch against the wall, letting my mind wander.
I think I'm going crazy.
I look up as Asher’s security guard stops in front of me, surprised he even knows my name.