Page 52 of Starstruck

I turn around.

Many eyes.

Icy eyes.

Jealous eyes.

Curious eyes.

Ready to pounce eyes.

Stares that all want to know what Asher is doing sitting next to me.

Can they see his hand?

I can't look at him as I slowly move it away.

It's as if I can hear all their thoughts, and conversations, and judging. She must be with Brad. She can't be with Asher. He would never be interested in her. She's so plain. She's not even that thin. Her hair needs a good coloring. What is she wearing?

My mood plummets further when Mona enters.

She stops at our table.

"Still a no?" she dangles the NDA in front of me and narrows her gaze at Asher.

"Mona, I'm working on it," he pinches the top of his nose.

Working on it?

"Fine, but Asher, you never know where the afternoon will take you," she shrugs as she walks off, but she doesn't get far. Every female within a twenty foot radius flocks to her, and she starts handing out NDA's to all of them.

And they take them, like it's their ticket.

Eager. Willing. Waiting.

My chest tightens and I feel... foolish.

Foolish that I thought I could compete with people like this. Foolish that I don't want him to go. Foolish to let myself believe I ever stood a chance.

I’m no one.

I'm just some girl he’s hung out with a few times to pass time. Possibly slightly more intriguing because I haven't signed anything... yet, apparently. But he's working on it.

Whatever that means.

My eyes well with tears and as I feel the familiar burning start I stand.

This was by far the dumbest hope I ever had.


Asher catches up with me in the hall.

I snap my body around, waiting... and waiting... but there are too many people around and so he remains silent.

“Time for sound check,” Mona smugly reappears. She's getting what she wants - for me to go, and we both know there's nothing he can do to stop me.

He can't create a scene.

Yet our eyes lock.

“Yes!” Brad shouts from behind, interrupting the moment.

"Brad, if I have to tell you again-"

“What?” he shrugs. “It’s the best way to meet girls,” he leans on Mona. “Lead the way, honey.”

Asher shakes his head.

“Come to sound check,” he pleads, his voice low, sensing my hesitation. "Elle-"


A stagehand appears, and then another, and soon he's surrounded. They're pulling and pawing, setting up an earpiece, giving him a mic, handing him his guitar.

Eventually he pushes them all away, and together they take a step back, impatiently waiting. He needs to get going.

"Elle," he pauses but as he looks around he's still unable to say what he wants. Not with the way everyone is watching.

"Just... don't go."

He walks off.

I remain frozen and unsure, and in everyone's way. They all brush past me as they eagerly follow the star.


I can't think.

It’s been an amazing weekend, but all great things must come to an end. I mean, how long do I think I can keep living in this fantasy world? And what happens next? He’s going off to who knows where, and I’m going to return to my normal life.

The smart thing to do is go.

I should just get this over with now. It’ll save the inevitable heartache.

Yet as much as I know I should walk away something inside me can't bring myself to do it.

That's how I find myself out there, in the little section of VIPs, about to watch him sound check, and when his frantic eyes meet mine from all the way up on stage I can almost feel his body relax.


What have I gotten myself into?


Kiss Of Death

Sound check is nothing like I pictured, and teenage Elle had pictured it a lot.

I always imagined it happening in an intimate setting, like a bunch of sound people and Asher.

This is nothing like that.

The arena is packed, like a mini-concert. Some of the lesser known celebrities, Asher's Mom, those girls from earlier, and a bunch of other people I don't know - maybe record exec's and their families - take up the VIP section, while lucky fans crowd the general admission area. It's a sea of blue wristbands, all waving and shouting Asher's name.

He's trying not to focus on me, and I'm trying not to read too much into the relief that washes over the both of us as he does.

I take a seat next to some girl I recognize from a new TV show, but when a bunch of fans yell to get her attention I move away.

"Elle, over here!" Asher's Mom calls.

I go over and say hi, but soon fans get to her too. She introduces me to one of her friends before going over to the barricade to take pictures.

Eventually I excuse myself.

I pass Brad as I make my way up to one of the side sections. He's busy with fans, eating up the attention.

It's empty up here, and I take in everything below - the massive stage, the yet to be filled upper sections, and all the fans.