“I'm sorry," his breath tickles my ear. "I said I wouldn't, but you’re beautiful.”
My stomach summersaults.
When I don't respond he pulls back. It’s so dark that I can’t make out anything but his eyes. They’re glowing. Two big green orbs that I had no idea could light up my world so much.
“I’m a little drunk,” I confess.
He chuckles as he backs away. I slide out of his arms, startled by how much I want to return to them. Then his hand lands on the small of my back in the most natural way ever.
Jess clears her throat, and we both look over.
I forgot we weren't alone.
“Jess, right?” Asher extends his hand.
To say she's shocked by what she just witnessed would be putting it mildly, but she's surprisingly cool and composed. It must be the alcohol. I smile at her, half encouraging and part hoping she’ll remember to keep my secret.
Then she smiles wide and shakes his hand, before turning to the other guy in the room.
“Brad,” she exclaims with a wave.
Shit I didn’t even notice there was anyone else here.
Then my insides twist and wince as I turn towards Brad. Jess shouldn’t know who Asher’s best friend is before he’s introduced.
Thankfully no one but me seems to notice or care.
Brad stands and exchanges pleasantries with Jess, before turning to me.
“Elle," he catches me off guard with a one-handed hug. "I feel like I know you already.”
Asher’s hand squeezes my shoulder before he goes to sit. Jess immediately grabs the spot next to him.
Brad heads to the opposite couch, offering me the spot next to him.
"Seriously I am so excited to meet you."
"He's been begging," Asher rolls his eyes.
"You didn't sign his NDA. I think that’s so badass."
"The what?" Jess chimes in.
Asher licks his lips as we exchange a look. Then he turns to Jess and they start talking.
She’s flirting.
I know I have no right to be envious but I am. I’ve been the one waiting for this, yet here she is taking over the one thing I can't stop thinking about.
God but its Jess! What the hell is wrong with me?
Brad makes small talk and I try to remain interested and focused. It’s not hard. He’s absolutely hysterical. I can see why he and Asher are best friends.
He can't get over the NDA.
He also hates Mona.
Although I think he notices how I not so slyly keep glancing Asher’s way. I try to tone it but fail miserably.
I literally have been waiting for that man over there and although he's no more than six feet from me it feels too far.
“You know,” Brad whispers, re-capturing my attention. “I went to visit him in Barbados,” he nods towards Asher. “He talked about you a lot.”
Busted! He definitely knows I’ve been gawking at Asher. And also, what?!
Tell me everything.
Leave nothing out.
Suddenly a lady walks in carrying a tray of drinks. The second she hands me mine I take a huge gulp of the liquid courage.
“So what did he say?” After Brad offers nothing I can't help but ask. “Like how hopeless I am in life?” I laugh at my own expense.
“What’s so funny over there, New York?” Asher shouts.
“Me, obviously,” I smile.
“Obviously,” he rolls his eyes and stands. “Dance?” He extends his hand, his eyes so bright and alive that I almost believe like me he's been waiting for this too.
But then Jess stands and comes between us. She wants him too, and I don’t want any hard feelings. She gives me a look and I swallow hard.
“You don’t want to see me do that,” I bite my cheek.
I need another drink.
“Great, I’ll dance!” she leaps towards him. “She has a boyfriend anyway.”
Thanks for the reminder.
Asher shrugs, and the next thing I know the curtain blows in their wake and I'm alone with Brad.
Not going to be jealous. Not going to be jealous. Not going to be jealous.
I'm so jealous.
Brad slides over to the now empty couch and I thank him with a polite smile.
“So what do you do when you’re not being Asher’s friend?”
“I spend a lot of time traveling to third world countries to give medicine to starving children,” he takes a sip of his drink.
Wait, what?!
"No way," I suspiciously narrow my eyes.
“Yeah, you’re right,” he shrugs with a laugh. “But when your best friend is, well, him, I need something to try and get ladies as well.”
I think I may have let out a snort from laughing so hard.
“Really though I’m a lawyer, and yes it’s just as boring as it sounds.”
“How did you and Asher meet?” I know they grew up together, but Brad doesn’t have a British accent.
“I was his annoying neighbor,” he grins with a reminiscing look in his eye. “We got into so much trouble. He was never afraid to take the fall for it either since he only lived here half the time.”