Page 39 of Starstruck

I'm hanging on the edge.

She’s contemplating as much as drunk Jess can think, and I don’t know why her reaction bothers me so much but it does.

“Does he know you have a boyfriend? Or whatever you’re calling Travis nowadays.”

A cab finally pulls up to the curb and I roll my eyes.

“Yes. I told you I was honest.” I open the door and hop in. “I just don’t want him to know how long I've liked him. Please.”

She gets in, staring me down and shaking her head.

“Please Jess.”

She eyes me up and down before throwing her hands in the air.

“I don’t agree with it but fine,” she caves, and my insides relax a little.

We remain quiet as the cab races uptown.

I hate the silence.

“Don’t be a grouch. You’re going to meet Asher Montgomery! Yay!” I grab her arms and shake them.

“Oh I’m super excited,” she smirks. “I mean he knows that you have a boyfriend, but I don’t.”

Oh crap.


Dance With Me

When Jess and I arrive at the club the line to get in is around the block. I avoid all the evil glares as I give my name to the bouncer, especially as we’re immediately let inside.

Bright colors that change with the music line the walls. Curtains and crystals hang from ceiling. It's swanky.

“What now?” Jess shouts, but I barely hear her over the music. It’s packed, and difficult to squeeze our way through all the sweaty bodies to get anywhere.

“I have no idea!” I yell.

We head for the bar.

It takes us forever to get a drink, and once we do there's nowhere to sit.

“Dance?” We both look at each other and smile.

I’ve reached the level of tipsy where I think dancing is a good idea. I mean, in my head right now I’m the most coordinated person ever.

I'm absolutely not.

We laugh as we fight our way through the maze of people and toward the crowded dance floor.

The lights flash, the music blasts, and we let loose.

It's fun.

I'm having fun.

I don’t even know how much time passes, and for a second I almost forget about Asher Montgomery entirely. I'm with my best friend in the world. We're showing off our crazy dance moves, which we think is the funniest thing ever. We can’t stop laughing and making faces, and I'm sure when I look back on this moment when I'm sober we likely looked stupid and silly, but carefree.

Then I realize I’m being tapped on the shoulder.

I turn around and look up at a large burly man.

“Elle Harris?” his booming voice vibrates over the music, and I nod.

"Follow me."

Jess and I exchanged excited looks as we follow him off to the side.

It's crazy how people part for a man of this size. It takes us half the time to get where he's taking us than if we were alone.

We stop before another large man standing in front of a black velvet rope. The two make eye contact, and with a nod he unclasps the barrier.

We climb a tight stairway, which eventually opens onto a huge balcony. There’s a massive bar in the corner and a stark white dance floor in the middle, both of which are completely empty.

I glance over the edge at an aerial view of the club and spot where we just were. Below the crowd is wildly dancing, but up here I barely hear the music. It’s hard to imagine a place like this exists.

As we continue I notice all the private areas off to the sides. Bunches of sheer white fabric outline couches and shapes of people sitting beyond. I wonder aside from Asher who else is here.

Then I hear it.

New York.

I close my eyes and smile, embracing the shiver that runs down my spine. His voice is smoother than anything I've drank tonight, and as I get ready to face him Jess lets out a little squeal. I give her one last warning look before we make our way over.

I don’t actually see him, but I recognize the bodyguard from Barbados, standing in front of one of the curtains.

“Hello,” the man nods, sliding over and letting us through.

I barely make it two steps in before strong arms wrap around me.

Asher has grabbed me in a bear hug and nothing has ever felt so right.

I don't even see him. I can't see anything but the dark shirt my nose is pressed into. It smells of pine and cedar. It's soft, even as I'm pressed into his firm chest the cotton feels smooth.

He really had to workout for the movie.

I wrap my arms around his waist and squeeze hard. Then I allow my face to further press into his chest.

So freakin' solid.

His scent surrounds me in the most intoxicating way.

Then he leans down and presses his cheek flush against mine. It's a tight embrace that's making the most ordinary things like a hug feel special.