Page 36 of Starstruck

Still they offer Amelia a ticket to attend the show, but that’s all.

Then yesterday the unthinkable happened.

It was requested that I be the one to attend.

I was just as surprised as everyone in the office.

His people said since I was the one he spoke with most recently in Barbados it makes the most sense.

Amelia is fuming.

It's made the past two days a living hell.

I’m sure if she had the power to fire me she would.

Meanwhile I think it’s some special thing that I and only I must attend.

Five minutes later I find out that Sam got offered the same thing since she also interviewed him in Barbados.

Nice try, Elle.

By the afternoon I need a drink filled with large amounts of alcohol.

I spend the better part of it by Sam's desk, trying to see if the nickname New York means anything to her too.

She thinks I'm being weird.

I am.

Eventually Amelia tattles on me because I'm getting nothing done and I get into trouble.

Then Travis calls.

I start vent about my horrible day, which is stupid and goes terribly wrong because he doesn’t care. He rushes off like it was a bad idea to call me in the first place.

It was.

I think I hear a female voice in the background.

“Hey I think I’m gonna go out tonight,” I add, just before he hangs up.

“I really can’t talk right now."

The line goes dead and I somehow feel worse than before.

I need that alcohol.

I call Jess, expecting her to say no when I mention a bar. She leaves Sunday for her big trip, but surprisingly she’s on board.

She must sense my desperation.

I invite Sam too but she declines.

"I have dinner plans," she beams. "I think tonight's the night he's gonna propose!"

I regret ever including her. Now she won't leave my cubicle. What is it about females and the need to gush at the word wedding? I'm trapped. This is the torture.

Nope. Wrong.

The buzzer goes off in my head as the insinuation that Travis is going to propose soon inflicts a new form of punishment.

"Oh wow. I hope not." I want to vomit. "You know I was serious the other night. I'm working on breaking up with him."

"You were drunk."

She's looking at me like I have two heads. The concept is foreign to her.

"Come on. You've broken up with guys before."

Any sort of verbiage would be helpful.

"You and Travis are different. I've seen you together. There's a reason you haven't yet broken up yet and just said you want to."

"Yeah because I don't know how to do it!"

"We can be engaged buddies and plan our weddings together. I've already picked out my centerpieces. Shh!" She places her finger over her lips.

It's like I’m talking to a brick wall.

She thinks deep down I want this - that I'll feel better after I have a ring on my finger.

Two more hours until that tall glass of amber liquid.

By the time I get home Travis is already there.

"Hey." I slowly shut the door behind me.


"You okay?" I hesitate.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You rushed off the phone earlier."

"I was driving and didn't have it hooked up to bluetooth. You know this."

"Funny. I thought I heard someone."

"Only in your mind."

I roll my eyes.

"You gonna apologize for getting so upset? I could have crashed."

I stop what I'm doing and look over. He's not kidding.

"Oh. You're serious."

"June thinks you were being unfair."

"The girl from work?"

That's another thing. Whenever he thinks I'm being unjust about something June makes an appearance. Apparently she's the saint of reason.

"I was flustered when I returned so I told her about what happened."

"What happened? About how apparently I should have known something I couldn’t have possibly had any idea about?"

"Not just this instance. About a lot of things."


I make a face. He's being so ambiguous, like he wants me to engage but I'm so over fighting.

"She manages to get home before her boyfriend does and make dinner. I can't remember the last time you did that. We also talked about how I'm supposed to drive you all the way home this weekend. It's my time off too. She doesn't know why you don't just go yourself."

"Maybe I will."


I'm not angry. He's not either.

With a nod I head to the bedroom. I know it’s early to go out. I mean who goes out before 8pm? I guess me. I text Jess to see if she'll be ready soon. Then I push open my closet for something amazing to wear.

I’ve been on this thing lately in which I wear pool cover-ups as dresses. On the one shopping trip I did this year prior to Barbados I got a cute black off the shoulder cover-up. I ended up not wearing it but tonight it makes the cut.


It’s a little on the short side so I slide a pair of black spandex shorts on underneath.