Page 29 of Starstruck

“If either of us is ever close to broaching whatever’s written down all we have to do is declare envelope rule and the other has to instantly drop it. No questions asked. But!” he emphasizes. “If that person wants to divulge said information they can tell the other person to open their envelope at any time.”

This is officially the weirdest thing ever. Next to of course Travis declaring himself a God who deserves a threesome... and the fact that I’m even here doing this with Asher Montgomery.

What is my life?

“Do you do this with everyone you meet?”

This has to be at least the third time I’ve asked him this.

I’m once again reminded that I don’t really know Asher Montgomery at all. Lonely, sad, shy, hopeless romantic Asher Montgomery. Every thing he does, every word that comes out of his stupid, twitching, smirking, beautiful mouth, constantly surprises me.

He takes a moment before answering.

“Just you.”

I don’t think he’s lying, but what the hell do I know? I’m clearly a poor judge of character.

See: Travis.

“Okay, so let me get this straight... you’re going to write down your biggest, deepest, darkest secret and trust me with it? How do you know I won’t open it? Or sell it?” I wiggle my eyebrows. "I signed nothing, remember?"

“Oh I’ll tell you my biggest, deepest, darkest secret, whatever that may be,” he rolls his eyes. “I don’t have a problem with that, and I think I’ve proven it today. This,” he taps the envelope, “this is my biggest secret from you.” His eyes widen, wondering if I'll take the bait. “It’s a game of trust. If you open it I’ll know and obviously the same goes if you sell it.”

A game of trust between two people who find it nearly impossible to trust anyone. Sounds about right.

“But how will you know if I open it? I could always sneak a peek without you knowing."

“It’s a pretty big secret. I don't think you're ready for it. Can I trust you?”

Way beyond super intrigued.

Crap I'm ready to get on my knees and beg. He narrows his gaze, waiting for my answer. I want him to trust me, and more than anything I want to trust him. I bite my lip, contemplating.

For all I know his paper could have nothing written on it. Maybe this is a test? Damn, he’s good.

He mistakes my silence for hesitation.

“We seal our own envelopes and both sign across the seal before giving it to the other person. We’ll know if it’s opened. Does that make you feel better? Bloody hell, New York, what’s your secret?”

With a determined look I grab the pen off the coffee table.

“I guess you’ll only know if I let you, huh?”

I instantly know what I’m going to write down, and he does too.


I'm Back

It’s dark by the time I return to my room. I slide the key into the slot and the door clicks open.

Travis is on the bed fumbling with his phone. I swear it's attached to his hip. I don’t know what the hell he looks at but the thought no longer scares me. It's not that I won't be hurt by it, I just no longer care to find out.

The door shuts behind me with a loud thud and he jumps without ever looking up. I say nothing as I get my PJs out of my suitcase. Then I bite my lip just to feel something.

Today I felt everything.

Now I'm empty again.

"So Asher Montgomery, huh?" I stop just before the bathroom but don't turn around.

"What? No. What?"


"Okay weirdo."

"I’m not."

"I thought you interviewed him today?"

"Oh, right. Yeah. This morning."

"You were gone forever." I continue to the bathroom as he shouts. "You know normally whenever someone mentions his name you annoyingly fangirl over how in love with him you are."

I pop my head out the door.

"I'm not in love with him."

"Since when?"

"I dunno."

"Huh," he looks smug, then smiles wide.

It's all wrong.

"You saw what a jerk he is, didn't you?"

"He’s not a jerk!"

"Even I’m better than him, aren’t I?"

"In your dreams," I mumble.

"Were you hoping he'd give you the time of day or something?" he cackles. I'm disgusted by the sound.

By the time I get out of the shower the room is dark. I turn on the nightstand light and fumble through my suitcase, looking for my phone charger.

Travis tosses and grumbles that I woke him.

I shut the light and it takes me about five tries to plug my phone in since I can’t see.

As soon as I do the screen lights to life with a text from The Nicest Man Ever. The corners of my mouth lift at the name Asher gave himself.

The Nicest Man Ever: Lunch again tomorrow?

Me: I’m flying home in the morning :(

I don’t expect him to reply since he sent the text a while ago, but he does.