Suddenly one of the large security guards moves to the other side, and holy crap, I have a straight shot at him. All paths lead to Asher Montgomery, and he’s right in front of me.
Right. In. Front. Of. Me.
Forget the chaotic scene – the loudness and clicking. There’s nothing but silence in my frozen state, and him. Oh my god he’s so dreamy and magnetic, laughing at something Chad said, and his calm, easygoing demeanor within the surrounding storm makes me smile. I’m lost, high and addicted to the drug that is Asher Montgomery.
A fix I’m positive I never want to come down from.
I think I’m dreaming.
Am I dreaming?
My mind is a sudden haze, yet I’m determined to snap out of it. I don’t want to forget a single detail from this pivotal moment.
The insanity is something he’s obviously used to, a direct result of never going anywhere unnoticed. He’s wearing sunglasses, despite it being a cloudy and cold November day. He continues to joke with Chad as they sign autographs, and I’m relieved the rumors aren’t true; he’s not a complete jerk to his fans. Even though he’s not paying much attention to them he’s still signing whatever’s being shoved in his face. Then he laughs again, and I can’t help it. My jaw drops, and I mean my mouth completely falls open from the beautiful sight before me - his smile, that sound! Cool air rushes down my throat, choking me, and it’s the first thing I’ve felt in hours since becoming numb to the freezing temperatures… and yet it’s oddly fitting.
It’s worth it.
I tilt my head to the side, longing to see if his eyes really are as striking green as they are on TV. I silently pray for him to remove his shades, cursing the cameras under my breath, their flashes only deterring me from seeing how perfect they really are.
Unfortunately it doesn’t work.
His sunglasses remain on, perched upon his perfect nose, the most fitting accessory to his chiseled jawline and strong forehead and ... I let out a deep sigh as he continues along the opposite side of the barricade. Now I’m back to seeing the top of his head. It’s a frightening moment; will he stop only on the one side before going in, leaving the rest of us forgotten and unnoticed?
For the next few seconds the massive group of girls on this side of the barricade and I are united as one. At any other time to each her own in a fight for a picture or autograph, but right now, in this moment, we’re bonded.
The air is thick, please, please, come over here, voices shout and chant all around me. I will go to religion class every day from here on out if he comes this way, the girl next to Jess tells us with tears in her eyes.
These girls are no joke.
Eventually, and to everyone left of the fence’s delight, Asher suddenly makes his way across the concrete walkway, and even though he’s still wearing the sunglasses, I swear I see him falter as he comes directly over to where Jess and I are standing. Or hell, maybe it’s just my imagination running wild. It tends to do that often. Except I’m pretty sure Jess now see’s it now too. She starts pinching my arm and squealing in my ear, do you see? Do you see?
I don’t respond because of course I do.
Holy hell of course I do. He’s looking right at me.
The air is caught in my throat. I’m in awe - I’m starstruck. He’s so tall, much taller than I imagined. No, make that short. He’s shorter than I pictured. Oh god, I can’t make up my mind because he’s staring!
At me!
Asher Montgomery is staring at me.
Jess’s noises get lower as he gets closer, and then suddenly he’s here, stopped directly in front of me.
Directly. In. Front. Of. Me.
She holds out a picture for him to sign and he takes it. Meanwhile I’m still as stone, quiet as a mouse, and not doing a damn thing.
As he’s still staring.
At me.
“Hi,” I whisper, unsure if I actually mean for him to hear me or not.
“Hi,” he flashes that perfect smile, and for a brief moment the world pauses, despite all the girls around us shoving things in his face, in mine, everywhere and anywhere they can get to him. I barely keep my balance from their pushing, and holy crap my stomach is going to be black and blue tomorrow!
Worth it.
I want to say a million things. I’ve always pictured the many conversations we would have one day. Only now, right now, while he’s still staring, making all my dreams come true, absolutely nothing in particular comes to mind. I’m silent.
Oh no, Elle.
Say something!
Do something!
You’re blowing it!
“This is so intimidating,” I whisper, so low that I think maybe I say it in my head.