In the meantime I shop online. I go a little crazy. Who knew there was so much out there in the world of dog items and accessories.
Then Asher calls and reality sinks in.
I have a dog - we have a dog. And he doesn't know about it.
“Hey,” I answer, unsure of how to break the news. Surprising him when he gets home seems wrong. But it all happened so fast. I realize I should have consulted him first.
"Hey," he laughs.
Wait, he's laughing.
“Uh... what’s so funny?”
Everytime he tries to stop he starts again. It takes him a few. Finally, panting loudly, he catches his breath. “Oh my god, Asher, what?” I feel myself smile. His laugh does that to me.
“I’m going to ignore the ridiculous caption,” he starts again, “but why are there photos of you doing what they are calling dumpster diving last night?”
Oh no. I forgot about those.
“It’s, uh, a long story."
“And I am not missing it.”
“Don’t you have a show to do?” I glance at the time.
“Eventually, and aren’t you coming? I thought you'd be here by now. Are you on your way?” He doesn’t give me the chance to answer before his chuckle turns into full blown laughter. “God, Elle, these pictures! Have you seen them?”
I don't respond.
"Ugh ok," I groan. It's now or never. "I'm home. I don't think I'm gonna make it. I sort of had something come up."
Like a dog - our dog - who needs round the clock medication for the next two weeks.
I sigh loudly.
“Okay, so, um, how do you feel about dogs?”
“I feel nothing about dogs,” he stops laughing, responding point blank.
“Have you ever wanted one?” My voice hitches, attempting to persuade.
“Could you ever see yourself having one?”
“What did you do?”
“Well,” I sigh. “I wasn’t going into the dumpster for the fun of it.”
Once Asher gives his thank yous and the credits roll I turn off the TV. He was so good. I'm sorry I missed being there, but hopefully he'll understand.
I glance at Madison sleeping on my lap. She looks so peaceful that I don't want to disturb her.
Stuck and unable to move, about an hour later I hear the door. I guess Asher ended up not going to the after party like we had initially planned.
Madison hears it too and starts to stir. It’s sad, really. Like she wants to bark but can’t yet. Her body shakes nervously. "It's okay," I smile, giving her head a pat.
She licks me.
I look up just in time to see Asher walk in. “Show was great!” I yawn.
"Where is it?"
“She is right here.”
Just as Asher walks down the steps towards me Madison gets up, wagging her tail. Her neck extends as much as it can, and her nose starts twitching, smelling the air.
Asher looks at me like this is some joke.
“That’s not a dog it’s a rat!"
“Asher! Don’t make fun of her. She’s been through a lot!” I sit up and Madison moves off of me, yearning for Asher’s attention. Her eyes stalk him as he makes his way around the couch.
“What’s around her neck?”
I move my legs as he sits.
"A cone."
"Well why does she have it on?"
I tell him everything, watching his eyes soften.
“We should take it off her. It’s probably uncomfortable,” he starts to remove it, but I stop him.
“But the doctor said to leave it on so she doesn't scratch her wounds.”
“We’ll watch her.” He coos at her, removing the cone. She wags her tail. “Yeah, you know." He lets her kiss his face before turning to me. "How would you like it?"
I let out a deep sigh.
As soon as it's off Madison limps right smack into the center of his lap.
“Hey, she likes you,” I smile.
“I guess she’ll be cute once her hair grows back,” he pets. “Does she have a name?” Madison nuzzles her head further into his hands.
“Madison.” I watch her ears perk up, already used to what I’ve been calling her all day.
“She likes it,” Asher notices.
“Yeah," I bite my lip. "It’s after Madison Square Garden. Where we had our first kiss.” I hesitate. “So what do you think, can we keep her?”
“Well after you name her like that do I really have a choice?" His lips curl into a huge grin.
“No,” I laugh.
He smirks. “Okay now please tell me you've seen the pictures.”
“Oh god,” I cover my face.
“I’m getting this one framed,” he goads, pulling out his phone. "Right over the fireplace."
I give him a playful shove and Madison lets out a small yelp.
Looks like she has a new favorite.
Things The World Now Knows
It’s official, Asher and I are dog owners.
In the weeks that follow Madison transforms. Her hair grows back, fluffy and ridiculously adorable. She's gained weight, found her bark and is less skiddish.
We love her.
By the end of the month we're in South America, missing her like crazy. Meanwhile she's staying at my parents'.