That hurts.
He must see it on my face.
"I don't mean that I don't want to date you," he adds with a sigh.
"We don't have to be obvious about it, but maybe-"
Before I can finish he starts shaking his head. "Once it's out it's out. It's not a pick and choose scenario. They're like hounds."
I nod. "Oh okay. I understand."
"Do you?"
"Yes." I swallow hard, forcing a smile.
I don't want to be in the public eye either. But despite what he says it feels like his concerns are more over the fact that I can't handle it, and he's probably right. I mean I'd rather think that than focus on my far worse fear, he's ashamed.
"You okay?" He walks over and wraps his arms around me.
I take a piece of candy and nod.
I can't hide forever.
I guess we really are only temporary.
The Night Everything Changed
I hop into my town car after work, same as every day.
It still feels weird.
At least I've gotten Smith to agree to park a few blocks away. The last thing I want is anyone to see.
I'm busy thinking and playing with my phone when I look up and notice we’re on the Grand Central.
"Smith? What's going on? Where are we going?"
“JFK, Miss,” he smiles in the rearview mirror.
“Um, I think there’s been a mistake. Just home as usual.”
He shakes his head. “Boss’s orders.”
I immediately text Asher.
Me: What's going on?
The Nicest Man Ever: Hello, New York. Been thinking about what you said. Hope you're ready to meet LA.
My heart races like never before.
The next thing I know I’m on a plane. First class.
The flight attendants are overly friendly and attentive. And it’s late. The cabin is dark, the leather underneath me cold.
But I'm too excited to sleep.
The second it lands I stop at a convenient-type store right near the gate. I grab a toothbrush and phone charger. Then follow signs to baggage claim.
Not that I have any bags.
It's just the logical place one goes to leave the airport. Which is about the time I realize I have no clothes except the ones on my back. And no idea where I’m going.
It's the sort of adventure that makes me giddy. Or at least I want it to be. I try not to panic. I want to be this random, spur of the moment, live on the go, seek new experiences type of girl. But the entire ride down the escalator I panic.
Then that damn sign comes into view.
Looking For Your Nice Guy, New York?
I shake my head with a smile. I mean really. What people must think.
I'm twenty shades red as I approach the strange man. Surely others in the area expect cameras, like it's some dating show, or television prank, or a new rom-com. It is LA after all.
And I'm here.
With no cameras.
My phone dings with a picture of Asher holding the very sign.
Dude has got impeccable timing.
"Hey," I offer a small wave.
"Elle Harris?"
He looks confused. Eyes me up and down. I don't know why but it deflates me. Does he know Asher? Was he expecting someone else? Like maybe a model?
"No luggage?"
God Elle, how dumb.
Of course he's looking at the plastic bag. He probably doesn't even know who gave him the sign.
I shake my head. "Just my plastic shopping bag and me," I joke.
He doesn't find me funny.
He annoyingly grunts and leads me outside to where a limo is waiting.
A limo!
Asher sent a limo for me and a plastic bag.
Soon we're pulling up to a luxury hotel in Beverly Hills.
The instant Tiny opens the door my nerves hit the roof. He makes a joke about the plastic bag.
It's exactly what I needed to hear.
I wait in the lobby as he pays the driver.
Los Angeles is unlike anywhere I've ever been. I get a kick out of a sign in the lobby warning about hazardous chemicals. It's a different level of crazy than you see in New York. Tiny catches me reading it and we have another laugh. I like Tiny. I think he likes me too. I've gotten used to his burly but quiet demeanor.
He leads me through the lobby and back outside to one of the hotel's private bungalows. Then he slides a plastic key into one of the two massive double doors and pushes it open.
That's when I see him, his green eyes the first things that meet mine. He's sitting at a small table for two with a huge smile.
Speechless by the mere sight of him, I only briefly register the sound of the door shutting behind me, and the room basking in candlelight.
He stands and meets me halfway.
"And here I thought I'd never see you anywhere else but New York," I goad.
His mouth twitches as he slowly nods. "I decided to bring New York to me after all."
"You’re ridiculous." I wrap my arms around him, his cheek scratches against mine.