Page 83 of Starstruck

"I worry you'll break me," I croak.

I think it's the most honest thing I've ever said.

To anyone.


“Actually,” he smirks. “I’m going to kiss you.”

Before I can do or say anything more his lips touch mine. He doesn't just pull me towards him, but grabs, his fingers rough and strong. It's clear this is what he wanted to do from the moment he walked in, and as I fall into the warmth and familiarity I feel his body relax. Then with a sigh he pulls away. "If you ever kiss another-"

"Shut up." I pull him back.

I missed this.

Hell, I thought I'd never be doing this again.

As our kiss deepens I let all the feelings erupt. They swirl like a cloud of dust inside me, settling into a calming lull the instant I accept them. I finally embrace what I've tried to push away for so long.

I allow myself to let go of the fear.

I can let this happen.

I can give this my everything, and maybe, just maybe he won't break me after all.

His hands slide lower. My chest flush against his. I throw my head back as his mouth leaves a trail of warmth down my neck, losing all sense of time and place. My leg lifts and wraps around him.

Next thing I know I'm against the wall, lost in the fluttering of my stomach and the way his hips subtly push forward.

A throat clears and we both leap in what turns out to be the most embarrassing moment of my life.


It’s the first time I’ve ever seen Asher blush.

He lets go, moving until he's somewhat behind me.

“Hello, Asher,” she goads, crossing her arms.

I thought for sure she'd be mad, but instead she's got this all-knowing look. I get the feeling I'm going to get the sex talk later - rules of the house and what not. It'll add all the most embarrassing moments of my life into one night.

I don't even know why my mind goes there, from innocent grinding to thinking about sex with Asher, but it does and now I can't stop. Maybe it's because the evidence from what just happened is still thudding against my back, his arms holding me in place - his poor attempt to hide it from her is making it so much worse for me. He realizes it too. He takes a step back and creates some space between us. In tune to every little movement he does I only briefly register Mom's words. "I'm making your favorite - that pasta dish you liked the last time you were here."

His face lights up in what has to be my new favorite expression.

Yet I'm also kind of pissed. People doing things behind my back, like Elle can't possible handle life on her own.

"Of course you knew he was coming," I mumble.

"Thought you could use a friend." Mom shrugs. "Dinner is in ten."

She turns to go.

"Actually," he stops her. "Elle and I are a bit more than friends." My eyes widen as I stare straight ahead. "Dating. We're dating," he continues. "If that's alright."

“She doesn’t need my permission,” she rolls her eyes with a laugh.


"See, even she thinks you're an annoying little shit."

"Actually, Elle," she turns around. "I told him it was only a matter of time.”

I make a face.

He nudges my side.

"Come on you two. Go bring his stuff upstairs and then help set the table... And try to keep your hands to yourselves. Especially in front of Ben."

I bite my lip and nod. Asher stifles a laugh.

He grabs his bag and we head up and into the guestroom.

"So how long are you staying?" I cross my arms as I lean against the door.

"I heard you were off this week." He shrugs.

"Wait, really?"

"I already did the whole rebellious thing, so I figured why the hell not?"

"I think I really like rebellious Asher."

"Me too." He walks over and places his hands around my waist.

"We have like five minutes."

"I can do a lot in five minutes," he smirks. "Get on the bed and try to be quiet."

For the next five mornings I wake tangled in Asher's arms. Earlier than I'd like, considering I'm off, but we have an alarm set so he's in the guestroom before anyone gets up.

Pretty sure Mom knows we do this.

Dad would have a fit if he found out.

Ben wouldn't understand.

Then Sunday afternoon arrives.

Asher is about ready to go. No one is home. Tiny will be here shortly to retrieve him, and it feels like the end of a dream I never want to wake up from.

After today will be the true test.

I watch as he places the last of his things in his bag and zips it. I'm not usually this emotional, yet here I am, trying to hold back tears.

I manage to force a smile just in time. He turns around, his bag slung over his shoulder.