Page 65 of Starstruck

"I'll get the tapes," Tiny mumbles before disappearing.

Asher pulls back with an unreadable expression.

I fix my dress, embarrassed as hell.

I can't believe I just let that happen.

“Fuck,” he whispers again. I look up just as he abruptly walks out, leaving me alone in this stupid dark alcove, dazed and confused.

He doesn't look any less annoyed when I find him a few moments later. It's a silent walk to the period rooms. We remain at least a rulers length apart.

He's stoic. I feel stupid.

We end up only seeing two rooms before he calls it a night, but he doesn't look at me as he does, and he says it like he's ending both this evening and whatever the hell is going on between us.

As we leave the museum via the 81st street exit, Asher and Tiny are deep in a conversation I don't hear.

It's dark out, the surrounding area nearly empty of all foot traffic. A few lone vendors are packing up on the sidewalk as tail lights illuminate 5th Avenue in lines and streaks of red.

A few paces ahead of them I walk alone. The summer air is sticky and hot, but it's this cloud of the unknown that makes it somewhat bearable.

This is the most excitement I've ever had.

I'm surprised when I feel Asher at my side, even more so when he asks if I want to go for a walk through the park.

I'm not so sure a trip back to New York City is in the cards for him anytime soon. Not after today, so I agree.

He tugs his hat down to further hide his face, but it’s clearly out of habit. Even I can barely see him in this shade of twilight.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes, his tone letting me cling to my dream. It sounds like it's the last thing he wants to do. "I let things get carried away. Quite a few times now."

"Me too," I hesitate, but I don't mean it. Every kiss with him is better than the last. I've never felt so unsure, yet alive. "Actually, you know what, I'm not sorry."

He smirks before clearing his throat. "So you've been living back at your parents?"

I wasn't expecting him to change the topic so quickly. That's reality though, right? He gets what he wants and then moves on.

"Yeah," I cringe.

"You make that drive every day?"

"Yep. Well, except for last night."

"Ah yes, the hotel."

"I figured if I can't afford anything I mine as well blow whatever I have left. I can make it almost two weeks without having to commute."

"Reasonable," he rolls his eyes like he knows it'll make me laugh.

It does.

"Of course you would think that."

Asher and reason don't mix. They never have and likely never will.

"If you tell me where you parked I'll have Tiny pay the bill."

I give him a strange look.

"What?" he feigns innocence. "While I may not know how much it is to park in the City I can't image three days straight is cheap-"


"I'm trying something new here."

"Pretending you're in tune with real-life living expenses?"

"I'm trying to be nice. Am I doing it wrong?"

Our stare is challenging. It's always been. I realize this is the look I'm most used to when it comes to him - this gaze of wonderment, and maybe even a little hatred. But now there's sexual tension too.

"Fine," I roll my eyes. "You're my Nice Guy after all, right?"

"Hey," he pushes his side into mine. "Don't tell anyone, kay? I have an image to uphold."

I let out a low laugh, noticing Tiny a ways behind us.

We're basically alone.

"Truthfully I'm being a twat," he hesitates. "I'm a tad nervous."

"You?" I fathom.

"I was going to ask if you plan on driving home tonight. It's far."

"Oh, I, um-"

"Or if you're going to get another hotel, and, well, you can stay with me if you want," he pulls at his neck. "Or I can get you your own room," he quickly adds. "I'll make sure it's far away from mine. Other side of the hotel. Different floor."


"Okay fine. Different hotels."

"Asher," I stop him and cross my arms. "What's going on?" I look next to me, at the Alice In Wonderland statue I happen to pause beside. "Why are you being so weird?"

In Alice’s story she ends up in a strange and amazing world. Right now I feel like her and I are one in the same. We both dream unbelievable things and they seem to come true, only end up completely twisted.

"I didn't know looking out for a friend was weird?"

There it is again - that word. Friend.

"Actually it feels more like you're trying to bribe me off." I skim the metal with my hand, unable to face him as I say the words. "Paying for my parking, offering me a hotel room. I'm not some-"

"I feel bad, okay?"

"I'm not some charity case," I angrily finish, looking over. His expression knocks me down a few notches. There's a sadness in the corners of his eyes that I don’t think many would notice.