Page 62 of Starstruck

“Last room on the left,” he holds the elevator door open.

With a nod I step out and slowly start down the hall.

There's a nervous sweat on my brow as I stop in front of the double doors to Asher's room. I barely get two knocks out before it opens and he forcefully yanks me inside.

The door slams shut behind me.

I'm surprised to see the suite empty. It's just him.

I notice his eyes first - their alluring green color. They've got that glint too.

I search for a hint or inkling as to what he's going to say during this in person talk. Any sort of preparation would help.

I come up empty handed.

"Hey," he clears his throat. "Wow, you look..."

I wait for the rest.

It never comes.

I roll my eyes.

In all the scenarios I thought of for some reason awkward was not one of them.

I thought we were past it.

I was wrong.

His expression changes. It's like everything he was going to say is no longer on the table.

I'm unsure if that's good or bad.

Our gaze remains locked, and when he still doesn't say anything I look away.

That's when I notice his clothes.

Not the jeans, but the loud, ridiculous button down he has on. It's gaudy... and is it sparkling? Are those iridescent sequins?

"Dude what are you wearing?"

"Did you just call me dude?"

We laugh. It's the ice breaker we so desperately needed.

Way to go, Elle.

"It’s a two thousand dollar shirt."

"It’s hideous."

He stops in front of me and grabs my shoulders.

"God I love you."

"What?" I freeze.

"No!" Eyes wide, he shakes his head. "Nothing. Nevermind." He clears his throat and looks down. "Is it that bad? Everyone said they liked it."

I give him a look.

"They were placating me," he realizes. "You know I thought it was a tad bizzare but-" he shakes his head, unbuttoning the shirt.

The fabric slides down his shoulders. He's got a white undershirt on and whoa... holy freakin' muscles! I can't look away.

Get a hold of yourself!

I don't see where the discarded shirt ends up. Arms protruding, the white cotton hugs the contours of his chest. I'm barely able to snap out of it, even once he disappears into the other room. I think a part of me thought he was airbrushed in all the photos I've seen. It's easier to believe that no part of him is real.

"Better?" He returns wearing a plain blue shirt.

I nod, discreetly wiping my drool.

"See this is exactly why you're great. I need to know these things. I like hearing what you think."

"You’d be surprised what I think," I mutter.

He pauses.

Shit he heard.

"I doubt that."

Our eyes lock. I'm suddenly feeling... confident.

"Try me," he challenges, narrowing his stare.

Oh god. I'm about to be bold.

"Kiss me again." I half joke, but not really.

"Okay, you're right," he pushes his tongue into his cheek. "I was not expecting that."

I swallow hard.

He doesn't say no.

Actually he's coming toward me.

Oh my god, are we really going to kiss?!

He leans in.

I do too.


With his lips a mere inch from mine, he stops. "Are you still my friend?" He's so close that his breath tickles.

It takes me a second to register his words, but as soon as I do I take a step back.

He rights himself. Why the hell does he look so confused?

"Um. Friends," I clear my throat. "Yes. Is, uh, that what you want?"


"Okay then," I sigh, running my fingers through my hair.

Why did I wear it down?

Or spend for this stupid dress?

Why did I do any of this?

"Wait," he reaches for my hip and pulls me back towards him. He yanks so hard that I slam into his chest.

His hard, chiseled chest.

I still can't get it out of my mind.

"You’re sending some really mixed signals here," I whisper.

He doesn't respond.

"Um, I mean, what was that after the show?" I continue, needing to know. "Just another meaningless kiss for you I guess, right?"

"Absolutely not."


"Elle, I spent that entire afternoon with you. I went to your fucking parents house the day before!"

"Yeah, but-" Before I finish he presses his mouth to mine. His lips part, and his hands slide all the way around my back.

I melt into him.

Then I hit a wall.

My back straightens as he pushes me flush against it. He lifts my leg, just as his tongue flicks mine.

Oh god this is the best kiss of my life.

His hand slides up my leg.

"Wait," I stop.

"Wait?" He lets go of my leg and it falls.

Judging by the look on his face he doesn't know what to do. It's obvious no one has ever told him to stop before.

I swallow hard, panting. "I don't usually kiss friends, and especially not like this."

"Okay," he swallows.

I'm crushed by his response.


Not, we're not friends. Not, I want to be more than friends... just okay.

“I’m sorry." I attempt to control my trembling, but it's not until he stops touching me completely that I'm able to. "I'm sorry I walked out after the concert, and I'm sorry for right now too. I don’t want you to think I didn’t like it… because I do... a lot. I just... I'm-"