Page 37 of Starstruck

It may be the most comfortable thing I’ve ever worn.

I actually spend time doing my makeup, and I go so far as to slide into super high heels, another rarity.

As I place the finishing touches on my face and fix my hair, dare I say it but I look good.

I feel good.

In fact as I walk into the living room I think Travis is going to flip. I worry he may want to come out with Jess and I after all. Or at least start groveling at my feet. I look like a million bucks.

I watch carefully as he looks up from his computer, smiling wide. Take that sucker.

“Are you comfortable wearing that?”

Womp. Womp.

“Um, yeah why?” I hesitate. I don't think I want to hear what he has to say.

“I wasn’t sure you’d be okay with your thighs showing. Especially since you can see some cellulite.”

It's the exact opposite of how I thought this was going to go. In fact it has taken a turn for the absolute worse.

Wordlessly I rush to the bathroom.

I shut the door and look myself over in the full-length mirror, a few times. I didn’t notice the fat before, but I see it now. Honestly I don’t think it even looks that bad, or noticeable, but now I’m worried.

I don’t know what to do first, change or cry my eyes out. I bite my lip just as the buzzer goes off. I don’t have time to do either. Jess is here.

I dart out of the bathroom and straight out the front door, ready to get wasted.

Jess and I aren’t the club type. We're at our favorite bar in Soho. It’s not too trendy, the drinks and music are good. It’s comfortable.

I’m three beers in when I grab my phone out of my purse. There’s a missed call from The Nicest Man Ever. My heart leaps and my stomach flops. I’ve been waiting so long to see that name pop up, and an actual phone call too!

I tell Jess I’m going to the bathroom. She barely nods, busy talking to some guy she ran into from school.

I’m a little tipsy and a lot eager, already hitting the call button before I’m even halfway out of my chair.

“New York.” The way he doesn’t say hi does insanely weird things to me. I have to close my eyes to focus. So much is swirling around in my head, implanting dangerous thoughts.

“Hi." I attempt to sound cool and composed, and not like I'm about to get a fourth beer as soon as we hang up.

“I’m heeeere,” he chants.

“Where?” I start looking around, like he’s actually here at this very bar.

So stupid.

“In New York City.”

“Riiiight. Right.”

I wince. I’m doing a horrible job of not sounding drunk.

My cover is definitely blown when a group of loud girls walk by laughing.

“Where are you?” he chuckles.

I pause before answering.

“At a bar.”

“Is your boyfriend with you?”

Oh the disdain.

I laugh, but then again right now I think everything is funny.


“I can meet you somewhere,” he coos, and my entire body ignites at the sound.

He has gained full control. I'm only a puppet.

“I’m with my friend and I can’t ditch her.” I desperately try to hide my disappointment.

He breathes into the phone loudly.

“Bring her.”

I falter.

I definitely wasn't expecting that.

He senses my hesitation.

“Do you trust her?”

I definitely do, and I know this is extremely selfish of me but I don’t want to share him.

I want him to be my friend, not hers.

Then again I also want to see him. Even more than the idea of Jess also getting to see him.

“I do trust her, yes.” My semi-drunk, jumpy mind is attempting to start a conversation with Jess. How do I even begin to tell her that I’m actually sort of friends with Asher Montgomery? Oh, and that I’ve been hiding it from her?

“Well brilliant. It's settled then. I’m excited to, uh, you know, see you.” Asher fumbles with his words, which is so adorable I completely melt.

“Yeah, me t-”

“I’m excited to hang out with my new mate,” he interrupts. "That's what I meant. Sorry."

I’m leaning against the cold concrete wall, feeling myself starting to slip and fall.

“Right," I clear my throat. "You know here we say friends, not mates,” I imitate his accent, making him laugh.

“Okay," his voice is warm and deep. "So I’ll see you? Tonight?”

“Um,” I pause, “actually what do I say?” He was so concerned the day we met that I’d tell someone we hung out. I mean he wanted me to sign that whole document. Is there some special protocol I need to follow?

“Well for starters if you don’t want to see me you can just say no."

“No, dummy,” I laugh. “To my friend, Jess. What do I tell her?”

“That you missed me terrible. You're completely in love with me. That you cannot go another minute without seeing me. Any one of those will do." I hear the smile in his voice and I close my eyes to picture it. How his whole face lights up. The sides of his mouth crease, showing perfect teeth. And his chiseled chin that forms that little dimple. I can't ever forget about that. I'm about to see that again, in person. "Tell her you both must promptly depart, obviously."