Page 128 of Starstruck

"And what about Sabrina?"

"That," he rolls his eyes. "She's been getting a lot of heat with the movie since news broke that I dropped out. And you know the cameras only tell the side of the story they want you to hear."

"There's always a little truth to it though, right?"

"She asked me to do her a favor. I had called and texted. I tried to talk to you about it first. I figured we were in a good place and that you trusted me to help and make things right," he sighs. "In everything that happened I never thought about the effect it had on others - I knew about Let's Go, but you, and even Sabrina. Mona's actions hurt her too. She pushed that relationship to better my own career, not giving a shit about Sabrina's. I felt I had to do something. Yeah, the cameras made it look like more than it was. But really it was a minute of dancing that showed there was no bad blood. It'll help her get the buzz she needs to move on. Of course no one showed the part after in which I stopped when I left the party and in front of all the cameras said I love you. I guess that's not the interesting story."

I roll my eyes.

"To them," he finishes. "But to me it's the only story," he pauses. "I'm upset that you didn't know that already."

"I-" I stop and nod.

"I should have fired Mona after what happened at the Grammy's. I made light of a situation that I should have taken more seriously and for that I am sorry."

"Me too. Asher-"

"More so though," he contines. "I'm sorry that, at the end of the day, I let all this stupid shit delay me."

"Delay you from what?"

"From giving you this." He holds out the envelope.

"Whoa. Really?" I reach for it but he pulls back.

"Don't leave me, New York," his mouth twitches.

I bite my cheek to stop my own smile. "So you're holding the envelope hostage?"

"It's the only collateral I've got," he jokes.

"The apartment?" I tease.


"The dog?"

"We'd work out a visitation schedule, but mostly so I could still see you."

I blush.

"My new business?"


"But you're my only investor."

"I still wouldn't pull out if that's what you're asking."

"Yet you'll keep that piece of paper from me."

"Yes." His eyes light up.

I roll my eyes and hold out my hand.

He shakes his head. "Say it."

I dramatically sigh.

"I accept your apology and I'm sorry for running off and not giving you a chance."

"The guys - everyone - they were so pissed you weren't there. They couldn't believe it. Me most of all."

"Don't dance with other girls."

"Noted," he smiles.

"Obviously I know you'll have to for music videos and what not but-"

"I wasn't kidding, Elle. I'll stop doing all of this."

"I would never ask you to do that. I wouldn't want you to."

"Then you can be the girl in every music video from now on."

"We'll see." I laugh.

He reaches out and lifts my chin. "I really am sorry. Loving and doing what’s right by the other person go hand in hand. We’re supposed to be a team."

"Same can be said about letting the other person explain. Knowing that they do have the other person's best interest at heart. I'm sorry too."

"See there we go," he smiles wide and holds out the envelope. “Full disclosure. I’ve been ready for you to open this since the day I wrote it.” His voice shakes. “Truth be told I thought you weren't ready, but now I think I was very wrong.”

“So what do you want me to do?” I swallow hard, my voice just above a whisper as I narrow in on it.

“God I want you to open it. More than you'll ever know.” His gaze is intent as his fingers let go.

It falls into my hand.

I carefully rip. The seal splits. My hands tremble as I unfold it.

I’m going to marry you.

I smile wide and let out a light laugh. Then look up. Asher's expression is unreadable.

"And she laughs," he stares. "Here I thought there was a good chance she'd marry me in a heartbeat,” he teases.

My breath hitches.

"Wait, are you asking?"

"Fuck yes I am," he smiles. "I did my due diligence. I waited your stupid bloody two years."

"My what?"

"In Barbados. You said you wouldn't marry anyone until you dated them for two years. I was going to wait until next week but I figured this is close enough."

He reaches into his pocket and takes out a box.

My eyes widen. My jaw drops.

"Even after your TV appearance I wanted you to be sure you were ready."

"I was."

"I realize that now," he bites his lip and holds up the box. "Bought it before I even left Barbados."

I give him a look.

"I'm not kidding," he chuckles. "It reminded me of you. After our day together you were all I could think about. I'd show you the receipt if I didn't think you'd go bonkers at the cost."