"Probably upset?" I yell. "Asher you were on a date with your ex-girlfriend after I was told something completely different.”
“A date?” He throws his hands in the air. “Are you kidding me? I know it wasn't what we talked about but we were all a little-”
“Unbelievable," I roll my eyes.
“You can’t be serious right now.”
“Asher, everyone else's girlfriends and wives were there! What happened to it being a boys thing? You let this happen! You didn't defend me at all! You let them down-”
“Stop." He narrows his stare. "You don't know what you're talking about." He pauses, not giving me the chance to respond. “You know what?” He huffs. “Just once I'd like to be given the chance to do the right thing! You-"
We both pause at his name coming from the TV. A video of Asher dancing very suggestively with Sabrina at an after party fills the screen.
His eyes shut. "I can explain." His voice softens. "I was helping her out."
“I don't know why you quit movies because you’re a great actor. You had me for a second there. You were very convincing."
He tries to stop me, but I ignore him and head out the door.
The paparazzi splits as my car leaves the garage.
Even through the window I hear them shout about me moving out so Sabrina can move in.
Part of me wonders if Mona were to suggest it if Asher would play along. I mean this is what we're back to now.
I stop at five different exits on my way to my parents'. Mostly because I can’t see through the tears to drive. I don’t stay anywhere for long, fearing someone may recognize me.
I don’t need the whole world to see me hurt like this.
Two and a half hours later I’m plugging the key into the doors of my parents’ house. I barely hear the click before it opens. Photographers have made it here too, lurking out by the garbage cans.
Mom stands in the foyer with a worried look.
“Where have you been?” She accuses.
I think after last night a part of her expected to see me then.
“It’s complicated,” I sniff.
She grabs me into a hug.
I can't help the sobs. “I think Asher and I are over.”
“Don’t say that.” He suddenly appears.
I pull back.
“What are you doing here?” I quickly wipe my face.
Of course he would beat me here. I stopped a million times.
“Where else would I go?” He leans against the wall.
I narrow my stare. He can't just show up and expect everything to be okay.
“Anywhere but to my family,” I shove past him.
“Elle!” Mom reprimands.
“So that’s it?” I snap. “You’re going to take his side?”
“No, but I think you should both talk, amicably. And neither of you," she looks between us, "should get me involved. You're adults.”
"Are we though?" I let out a fake laugh, eyeing him. If only Mona thought the same.
Mom walks out.
Asher and I stand in silence.
He lets out a deep sigh. “It all happened so fast. I should have stopped it. Eventually I did. I-”
“So that's it?” I shake my head. “Because I'm pretty sure you said something similar the last time I was kicked to the curb at an award show.” I cross my arms. “And that dancing? Come on!”
“I knew they were recording,” he defends. "You're not giving me a chance here. By that point Sabrina asked me to do her a favor."
“You have an answer for everything, don’t you?”
“Yeah, I actually do!” He pulls out a chair, unrightfully getting annoyed, nodding for me to sit. “What do you want from me, Elle? Say it and I'll do it."
I shake my head.
There's nothing to say that I haven't already said a million times before.
"I’ll quit music," he offers. "I owe them one more album and that’s it. I’ll do the Let’s Go thing and be done with it.”
I roll my eyes. If he thinks that's the problem or even remotely close to something I'd ever want or ask him to do then he's even further away from the real issue than I thought. In fact it just proves how Mona has likely been talking.
“Is the tour even still happening after last night?"
"Yeah. It is," he condescendingly quips. "They gave me the chance to explain."
"Fuck you," I hiss.
His eyes darken, his mouth an angry, tight line until it opens. He's about to say something but stops himself.
“Just go home,” I whisper.
Circles. That’s all we’re going in.
Two Years To Yes
It’s been three days since Asher showed up at my parents’ house. I briefly spoke to him this morning to check on Madison. She was fine. He was in a foul mood. He mentioned wanting to cancel tonights late night TV show appearance because he’s not feeling up to it.
I convince him to go.
Since I know he'll be at the taping I head to the apartment to get more of my things and to see Madison.