Page 124 of Starstruck

I wait for Asher to defend this. No ones ego will get in the way, except maybe hers. I know these guys. I know their wives and girlfriends. I've had them at my house. I've been on vacation with them. Hell, I wasn't even planning on going tonight! We had it all figured out and for some reason it blew up. It's her doing. Like always.

And as always he doesn't see it. He doesn't see the manipulation, and even though his expression appears torn he doesn't do anything about it. Case in point, she still works for him. My insides further collapse.

Our eyes meet. He opens his mouth. I quickly look away. “What if-"

"Forget it, Asher," I hiss. "The plan was never for me to come anyway. I just didn't realize there was more behind it than a simple boys night."

Madison brushes up against my foot. I scoop her up and walk out.

I'm watching Seinfeld reruns when Asher enters.

“You mad?” He plops onto the couch next to me.

“No.” I shake my head, my eyes glued to the TV. “I just kind of thought we were past this.”

“It was stupid of me to bring up. I was testing a theory. I didn't mean to start anything."

"It wasn't you who did."

"You can still come to LA if you want,” he grabs my hand.

“No it’s okay,” I pull away. “I was planning on staying here with Madison anyway.”

Asher sighs loudly. I glance at him out of the corner of my eye. He's giving me a weird look, but neither of us says anything more. Then he gets up and walks out.

I can’t believe he leaves for LA without even saying goodbye.

Jess comes over shortly after. She mopes around with me for the rest of the day.

At eight o'clock on the dot we park ourselves in front of the TV to watch the music awards pre-show.

“Do you think I was wrong to get upset?”

“Absolutely not!” Jess reassures.

“I just don't know how much longer I can keep up with this Mona stuff. I mean Asher said the Let's Go tour was going to involve no one, yet here she still is. I just don't get her hold."

"Plus it doesn't help that they have a history."

"Don't remind me." I groan.


"I just know she's behind everything that happened in Europe. And my disasterous TV interview. And not to mention what happened that time at the Grammy's."

"At least it sounds like he stuck up for you."

"Yeah sort of, but how can he keep someone like her around and expect me to be okay with it? He's always giving her the benefit of the doubt."

"That must be frustrating."

"I dunno, maybe I'm being stupid and overreacting."

“Don't beat yourself up over it. You’re allowed to feel what you feel.” She props her feet on the coffee table. Madison crawls onto her lap. “Never feel bad about that.”

“I just don't get their relationship.”

"Truthfully me either."

I nod.

"Brad thinks it's because she's always been around. They've known each other forever. Some people keep those types around even if it's not what's best."

"He's gotten rid of so many people before. I don't know why he can't see that maybe she's the problem."

"She does seem to look out for his career."

I offer a blank stare.


“It feels like it's turning into an either or and I'm not sure that I'm the obvious choice."

"Oh I don't know about that."

"No like maybe I once was, but I'm not anymore," I hesitate. "The way we're avoiding talking about the future - our next steps - marriage... I dunno.”

Her look says it all. I can tell she's not sure how to respond.

“I’m going to make some popcorn,” I stand.

Once in the kitchen I watch the kernels pop like it's the most interesting thing I've seen all day. I'm in a daze.

The more I think about everything the more I don't know where to go from here.

I hear Jess call and snap out of it.

“What?” I yell in response, but I don’t think she hears because she shouts for me again.

A second later Madison stumbles in with her tail wagging.

“What girl?” I bend. She jumps to lick my face.

The microwave beeps. I dump the popcorn into a bowl, dropping a few pieces on the floor for her.

When I return Jess is staring wide-eyed at the TV.

“Elle,” she yells, not realizing I’m right behind her.

“What?” I laugh, following her stare.

My body freezes. My smile disappears. The bowl leaves my tight grasp and lands with a thud.

I barely register Madison rolling around in the mess.

Let's Go is walking the red carpet, each with their wives and girlfriends. And then there's Asher in the middle with Sabrina Wilson at his side.

“What?" My low whisper takes all the air I have left out of me. I'm stunned. It feels like I've just been slapped.

“I’ll give him this,” Jess mumbles. “He looks extremely uncomfortable.”