Everyone is speculating what his next project will be, including me. I know he has something up his sleeve, but for the time being I let it go.
I decide to live in the moment.
Phones off.
Fun and relaxation.
Each other.
It's perfect.
Until I look over at what Jess is reading.
"Guilty pleasure," she shrugs, holding up a tabloid. I shake my head and decide to go for a swim.
Later that night Asher approaches with a wide smile. "Ready?"
"Born ready." I drop my robe.
He smirks.
"I mean to hear what I'm thinking."
"I'm standing here naked," I tease. "I know what you're thinking. Or do you mean the reunion tour you're planning on doing with Let's Go?"
His face falls. "How-"
“I overheard you mentioning it to Chad at dinner."
He bites his lip. "So what do you think?”
“I think you should do whatever you want.” I know he hates this answer. I smile. “But I think it sounds great.”
"It's not too much for you, considering we're just coming off a tour? This one won't be as long or as many shows."
"Join you on tour again?" I raise an eyebrow. "With Let's Go?"
He nods.
"I thought you said you weren't here to fulfill my teenage fantasies?"
"Nah," he shakes his head. "I'm here to fulfill all your fantisies."
The next morning at breakfast it’s settled. In a little villa on the coast of Spain it’s determined that Let’s Go is going to reunite.
One more album. One reunion tour.
We're all sitting around the large glass table on the balcony. There's a light breeze coming from the sea. There’s laughter as the guys talk about how they don't have any moves anymore, except for Asher of course.
The excitement is tangible.
Asher places his arm around my chair. I brush my hand against his, lacing our fingers.
“No reps involved. We find all new representation, together,” he meets my eye with a wink. "No one stays."
I can’t hide my wide smile. A tour without Mona sounds even better.
My Messed Up World (Remix)
Asher is headed to LA tonight for the Video Music Awards. He's going with Let's Go and they're announcing their big news.
“Can I get you something to drink?” I'm so polite to Mona it kills me. It's because I know she won't be taking part in this for much longer. She'll soon be sitting in her office doing her assistant duties from behind a computer somewhere while someone else comes on tour. I won't have to see her every day. Maybe she'll even move back to LA. Everyone else just stayed there when Asher moved here. I mean why did she have to come across country anyway?
She looks up. "Water with lemon, thanks darling."
I roll my eyes when Asher's voice stops me.
"You sure you don't want to come? It feels weird not having you there."
"It's just you and the guys right?"
"Right." Mona interjects. "It's the shock of the announcement we're going for. The original five."
We both give her a look. Then I turn to Asher. I thought she was going to have zero involvement in this. My face says it all.
So does his. Either he hasn't told her yet or he changed his mind.
"Hello? Drink?" She returns to her phone.
I scowl. Asher starts to say something but I shake my head telling him not to bother. But then as I'm halfway out I hear her bring up something I thought we were way past. Her low voice causes me to stop dead in my tracks. “For real, Asher, how many times do we have to go through this? She really shouldn't be walking with you down any red carpet."
My hands ball into fists. I snap around. I can't help it. “Were you the one starting the rumors about us?”
“Elle!” Asher quips, just as Mona takes on this how could I ever expression.
His nostrils flare. He grits his teeth like I'm the one who is the problem. “Elle, we talked about this." Mona appears snug. "And Mona, Elle can walk down the red carpet with me if she wants. It could even help put the rumors to rest. We're stronger than ever.” He stares my way.
Now I feel bad.
Mona clears her throat. “I'm not sure that's the best look when it's just the guys," she narrows in on me too. "We don't want-"
She doesn't finish. She's won. Asher is already nodding his agreement.
"But-" I start.
He shoots me a look, and it's in this moment - the exact point when I shut my mouth - that I realize no matter what he will never take her out of his life. And as the feeling sinks in my skin tingles, the air suffocates me, and I deflate.
"Remember," she places a hand on his shoulder. "We don't want to make this about the two of you. That's not what tonight is about. Egos could get in the way if they see you're getting more attention than they are."