Page 122 of Starstruck

I let out a low moan. Then attempt to focus. “Maybe someone is trying to tell us something.” I half joke, referring to what the housekeeper read out loud. Still No Proposal. I'm sure the rest of the article was like all the others, about how it hasn't happened yet, and how we're likely to break up soon becuase of it.

All thanks to my stupid comment on TV.

I bite my lip to stifle another moan. I hate that I've secretly become obsessed with the idea of him proposing. Every time we're alone. Every romantic dinner. Every evening in bed just like tonight. Not that I really think he's going to do it, but the hope and the what if is there. We've been dating for a while now. We love each other. My mind can't help but run with it.

As I feel him lower the front of his pants and spread my legs I think about bringing it up, but my mind soon becomes clouded with pleasure.

Yet before I let the heat take over I can't help but wonder. This is the first time I've said anything remotely close to this out loud, aside from The Incident itself, or when I tried to apologize soon after.

Our eyes meet. He lets out a small laugh. “Break up with you because we're not engaged?" He bites his lip and shakes his head. "I'd rather fuck you instead." He suddenly rolls on top of me, his eyes vivid and alive.

But what about a proposal?

I don't say it out loud.

Not wanting to be that person all the tabloids say I am, I never do.

Much like the night before, the following day Tiny gets into a shouting match with the hotel manager. He wants to see camera footage to find out who left the magazines, but unfortunately the old historic hotel doesn’t have any.

We tell him to let it go. We're only here for another night anyway.

Unfortunately, as it turns out one of the housekeepers leaks what happened to the press. They’re calling it Gossip Graffiti.

Then a week later it happens again.

Pages and pages of tabloid articles all over our hotel room.

At our next location I purposely change our room key to test a theory I'm working on.

No one has this one but Asher and I.

After tonight’s show the magazines are stuffed under the door.


It's someone we know.

I tell Asher.

"Like a prank?" He shuts the shower and steps out.

"No," I shake my head. "This person is trying to break us up."

"How would they do that?"


"I don't want to break up with you. No one can make me."

"You're missing the point. Think about it. After all this time why would everyone still be on my TV appearance? This person is also feeding the media."

He pauses and gives me a look.

"No one on my team does this shit anymore. You're reading too much into it." He walks over and kisses my forehead. Water drips on me as I let out a deep sigh.

“I think it's Mona.”

“Elle,” he groans.

“I don't think it's a coincidence that bad things happen around her."

"Bad things? Like what?"

"Um like my TV appearance for starters. She knew the host was going to ask about you. She wanted to catch me off guard."

He flinches.

"And it's no secret she hates me!” I continue. "Need I remind you what happened at the Grammy's?"

“She doesn’t hate you,” he argues, "and I thought we were over the Grammy's?"

I follow him out of the room.

"We are."

"Okay then," he says like it's settled. "Do we really care what anyone writes or does? It's a nuisance but nothing more."

"Not to mention a waste of paper," I mumble, annoyed. But I know if I press the issue further it will only lead to a fight, which feels like exactly what Mona would want.

"Well I can't fire someone based on suspicion of environmental stupidity," he teases, but stops once he sees my expression. "Just let it go, hun."

I slowly nod, not sure that I can.


When the media finally moves away from Asher and I they revert back to Sabrina Wilson.

They're ruthless.

The next Sunbitten movie just started filming and the secret is out, Asher was replaced. Of course drama surrounds a completely fabricated story which is blown way out of proportion because he didn't attend the premiere of the current Sunbitten movie.

Truth is Asher purposely got out of the contract a long time ago. And his statement as to why he didn't attend the premiere is because he's on tour. Really though he just didn't want to go. Doing movies is a part of his past he'd rather forget.

When the tour ends we celebrate. Before leaving Europe Asher flies Jess, Brad, and the guys from Let's Go and their significant others out to meet us in Spain. He rents a private villa for the week. It's just what we need.