Now I can't stop thinking about it.
I may not know what I want to do career-wise, or if I’ll ever amount to anything aside from being Asher Montgomery's girlfriend, but forever with him isn't the life sentence it felt like it was with Travis, or anyone else for that matter.
I want it.
A lot.
More than I think I've ever admitted to myself before.
With a sigh I stand, pass the boat pond, and continue down my aimless path to nowhere. I'm enjoying the freedom of being camera-free.
I think.
I hope.
It's strange always looking out the corner of my eye, thinking I'm being followed. I'm still not used to it.
Not quite ready to go home, I decide I want to visit the reservoir. I’ve never seen it up close before and now is as good a time as any.
I head in the general direction, but after a while I realize I may be completely lost.
Dusk is around the corner. The temperature has since dropped. I regret not grabbing the extra scarf, and as a gust of wind hits and sends a chill up my spine I start thinking about the New Year. We'll be in the warmth of South America for the second leg of the tour, and then on to Europe. Places I've never been. I can't help my smile.
Now I'm completely lost. I finally pull out my phone and check GPS.
I didn’t realize how far I've walked. Not to mention I’m nowhere near the reservoir.
Deep in the park, it takes me a good twenty minutes to get to the nearest street corner, and when I do I can’t believe how high I am. Well into the 100’s.
As the numbers get lower I wait for it to get busier so I can hail a cab. At this point I'm freezing. Then out of nowhere I hear a noise. I stop dead in my tracks, which I almost immediately realize, given the situation, is probably the absolute worst thing to do.
I don't hear it again, convince myself I'm losing it, and move on.
But then after only a few steps it returns.
Definitely not losing it!
I pause and listen.
It’s coming from the alley up ahead.
The whimpering gets louder. I pause at the edge of the narrow darkness. Full of garbage and god knows what else, it reeks. I let my eyes adjust. I make out a small dumpster in the back corner.
“Hello?” I whisper.
After a few seconds I go to walk away, but just as I turn to go the whimper returns.
I hesitate.
I’m a smart person. I know better than to go into something like this alone, especially at night.
I hear it again.
I’m going to keep walking away.
I mean I can't go in there. Right? What if it's a trick?
I've watched my fair share of true crime. This is not a good idea.
I'm out of here.
I only make it two blocks before turning back around.
What if someone is hurt? What if I can save them? What if me walking away is them dying?
It's the jumping-to-conclusions-extremist in me.
I'm back at the edge of the alley.
The whimpering is still going strong. Reaching for my phone I notice Asher’s interview is, well, now, so I can’t bother him.
I wonder if I should text Tiny or Smith, but Tiny is likely busy with Asher and Smith has the week off.
I briefly think about my Mom, but if I tell her where I am that would only freak her out. Jess is on a date with Brad. I definitely don’t want to be the cause of a bad date.
I scroll the brightness up to the highest level.
Screw it, I'm going in.
Holding my breath until I can’t anymore I pull up my shirt and cover my nose.
It doesn’t help.
I gag.
Another whimper.
If I wasn’t sure the sound was coming from the dumpster before I am now. The lid is closed, so I reluctantly place my phone under my chin and roll my jacket sleeves over my hands. Then I lift.
There’s not enough anti-bacterial lotion in the world to save me from this.
It’s heavier than I expected and quickly slams down, making a loud crashing sound.
That’s when I hear laughing.
Low voices and whispers.
I’m telling you, it’s her!
No it’s not.
Yes, it is!
I turn around.
OMG it is!
What is she doing?
More people stop. I turn back around.
It is her! I told you it was her back in the park!
Back away, we need to get this.
Now I’m stuck in the alley - a dead end, trapped.
Another whimper and these people are just standing there!
“Don’t you hear that?" I shout. "Someone needs help!”
“It’s probably just some animal, or a homeless drunk, but please sweetie, continue. This is gold!” It's one of the paparazzi, and not any of the usual ones who hang outside our apartment. They at least nice. This one is clearly a jerk.
More flashing.
Of course part of me wonders if he’s right. But what if he’s not? What if this is a person and they need help?