Mona meets up with the tour and brings news, and after almost two months without her around I can't say she's been missed.
She comes bursting in the second she arrives, giving Asher a big hug. "A film crew wants to shoot a new reality show starring you!"
Asher and I exchange a weary look.
I can tell you reality TV was never on his radar.
"They want to film the tour!" She continues, waiting for his reaction, until she realizes she's not going to get one. At least not the one she had hoped for.
He hesitates. "The tour started two months ago."
I brush my hand over my mouth in a casual way as I hide my smile. I gaze at Asher, feeling like an infatuated schoolgirl. Maybe it's from hearing his push back. I like when he does that. Makes me want to go and find some more of those hidden backstage areas with him.
"The tour is still far from over," she defends, her shrilly voice like a bucket of cold water to my ears.
"They're too late," he shakes his head. "If they wanted this they should have put something together earlier. If they want to come back with a proposal for the South American or European legs I'm more open."
"I'm not half-assing things, Mona."
She settles into her chair, his stern expression leading me back to my fantasy, dream-like gaze. As she continues I pick up bits and pieces in between catching Asher's stare. He full well knows what I'm thinking.
Mona grows even more furious as Asher remains firm.
Eventually I excuse myself, and two seconds later he catches up to me, scoops me up, and brings us to our favorite hidden area.
The TV thing doesn't end after the one conversation. When a big name celebrity falls in love with someone completely normal apparently it catches people’s attention and everyone wants in.
Mona makes sure we know that this is a prime opportunity to take the reigns of our narrative and embrace the image. She says not only can we sell relationship goals but a dream that everyone wants to buy into.
The minute we do that though is the second we give up control. The truth is, our relationship most of the time does feel pretty perfect. Normal. Easy.
Living together changed a lot. We're closer, more secure. But if we let anyone else in it no longer remains ours, and that feels wrong. I'd be selling out my relationship and for what? So other people can hope and pretend?
Just because it can be monetized doesn't mean it should.
She forgets to mention any of that.
If this is what life for the rest of the tour is going to be like then I want to go home. I was having so much fun too. Mona is even worse than Ben when he harps on something.
She doesn't give up, nor will she leave the tour. I fear that it's up to me. If I don't like it then I'm free to go. Those are her words, after she once again tells me her job is to look out for Asher's best interests.
I try to ignore her, I really do, but every day she finds some opportunity to tell him how fans and the media are intrigued by our unique situation. Then she tells me I'm holding him back. She's not shy about it either. She'll say it right in front of him.
I know she harps on me because I'm the weakest link. If I ask Asher to do something he will, or at least he'll consider it. He no longer does that for her. She's trying to wear me down.
And talk about a change of tune!
I went from remain hidden to please let film crews into your entire life.
Asher is beginning to sense my frustration.
"Who knew you had such a personal stake in network television." He places down the magazine he's reading and rolls his eyes at Mona.
I chuckle at his comment, but as usual Asher gets the last laugh. I don't know how the conversation ends with it suddenly being completely my call. Maybe it's because I have nothing better to do and he's really busy. Or maybe it's because he trusts that I'll never bend on the issue. Still, the cute bastard gets out of every annoying thing he doesn't want to deal with.
I do the next best thing I can think of.
I hide.
I find if I don't she tries to at least get me to agree on an interview. It gets so bad I'm scared I'll slip and say something I don't mean. I think the tour should be focused on Asher and not things like, oh what does she say, building my brand.
Her latest argument is that I can bring people hope. She is literally trying and saying anything. I just can't figure out why or what she's going for. What's her end game? I'm pretty sure it's something menacing and bad. Does she think I'll crack or do something humiliating in front of millions of people? Be consumed by fame? Leave him? He'll leave me?