Page 102 of Starstruck

Cry the whole red-eye home.

It seems fitting.

As I ride down the escalator towards baggage claim at Laguardia, Smith is waiting.

I stop in front of him, wondering what he's doing here. How he knew what flight I was on, or how he's still employed to be my driver.

"He didn’t fire you?" I gasp.

"What?" He laughs like I'm crazy. "Opposite actually. Told me to keep an extra eye on you."

"Oh." It's all I can muster as I go to grab my bag. He follows.

"Fire me," he shakes his head, laughing.

He starts to take me home. I have him take me straight to work instead.

He looks into the rearview mirror, once again with a glance like I'm crazy, but doesn't question.

When we arrive at my office he does the unthinkable.

He leaves his car.

Smith walks me right into the building.

It's sweet of him, really. It's clear he knows something is bothering me.

I catch my reflection in a mirror and it's worse than I thought. Dark circles, puffy eyes.

We stop on my floor and he holds the elevator door open, hesitating. I stop and look back.

"Nothing that makes you this upset is meant to be."

I slowly nod as he lets the doors close.

It's nice of him to say, but I think that's just something people tell themselves to feel better, a cheap way out.

Just because I'm unhappy doesn't mean it wasn't the right thing.

I park myself at my desk and manage to turn on my computer, but soon I'm staring off in a daze.

I don't even know how much time passes before an email ding brings me to. Then another and another.

It won’t stop.

I jump and fumble before I manage to press the mute button. In the process the first few titles catch my attention.

Asher Montgomery's Secret Girlfriend

Eat Your Heart Out! Asher Montgomery's Taken

Asher Montgomery and Sabrina Wilson Back Together?

Looks like the media ate right into the plan.

For me it's proof I did the right thing. I shouldn't have to read this, nor should my friends or family.

I'm done.

Yet I don't feel any better, or good. Not at all. Not even a little.

I click on the one that mentions Sabrina's name. The photo is of the two of them on the red carpet. I can't help but notice Asher staring off to the side, and I just make out my pink dress, the clear object of his attention if you knew to look for it. My lips curl into a sad smile and I place my head in my hands.

I only lift it when I hear people walking by my cubicle in hushed tones. I guess I should’ve known something was amiss when they smiled and actually said hello to me because that never happens.

I plug my phone in, watching and waiting for it to start up, when Amelia briskly enters my cubicle and asks me to follow her.

I groan, not in the mood today.

I begrudgingly grab a notebook and trail her all the way into her office. It’s hard to fake being pleasant to her on any given day, but today I know will be especially difficult.

I take a seat as she hangs up her coat. Then she moves to her chair and swaps her winter boots for heels.

That’s when I notice she’s smiling at me.

I don’t think she’s ever smiled at me.

Then all the other people who also smiled at me today flash through my mind.

What is going on?

I fixed myself after I saw how horrendous I looked in the mirror. I put on makeup to hide the circles. I brushed my hair.

Yet she sits back in her chair with a huge smile, confusing the hell out of me.

Finally she leans forward.

“When in the world were you going to tell us you’re dating Asher Montgomery, girl?”

Huh? Excuse me? Come again? Pardon? What?

A million ideas race through my mind.

Did someone see us kiss? Or worse, did someone see us arguing? Did my family say something? Did Jess? Did Sam? Did I at some point?

Despite being mad I have this gut-wrenching fear that it was me who betrayed him. He'll think I was being vindictive.

Hell, maybe it was Mona who did it to be sure I'm gone?

I shake my head, stopping my mind from going too far.

I meet Amelia's eager stare.



“Elle, I’m sure this is so trying for you. Being in the public eye can be very harsh.”

I muster half a smile, unsure of what to say.

I guess my silence is all she needs.

“Why don’t you take the day? We have plenty of time to chat about all the juicy details,” she winks. “Just between us girls of course. I'll spend the day briefing everyone here. I want this to be a comfortable place for you.”

I'd believe her kindness more if it weren't for the wheels I see turning behind her eyes.

This is her best day ever.