The pilot announces that we’ll be landing soon, and I note how his shoulders tense and his jaw ticks. I run through the possibilities in my mind, wondering what could be bothering him, but nothing makes sense. Jarred didn’t say anything when I mentioned Tynewood, so it can’t be the fact that we’re going there. He’s never said anything about a fear of flying, not even when we boarded, so I rule that out too.

But when those silver eyes lock on mine, I see it—fear. I want to ask him what the problem is, but I don’t because, seconds later, we’re descending toward the small town of Tynewood.

It doesn’t take long to land and disembark. Waiting for us is a black Rolls Royce Cullinan, which has the windows darkened. It’s quite a car. Not exactly my style, but it will do the job to get us from here to the Lancaster estate.

Once we’re in the back of the vehicle, the driver pulls away and we’re on our way. The roads aren’t busy at all, and I’m thankful for that. Exhaustion has taken a hold of me, and even though I know sleep won’t come until tonight, I hope we have a relaxed afternoon.

My father explained that I’d be meeting Ares Lancaster, one of the four crowns of the Society. He heads up the Gilded Sovereign with his brother and two of his best friends. It reminds me of the Thorne and Haven men, all six of us taking on the roles of our fathers. I know that if anything were to happen to Bradford or Octavius, we would need to keep the legacy of Thorne Haven alive.

Even if we don’t want to, we don’t have a choice because it’s in our blood. And there is no running away from it, even if I would love to. As much as I tell myself I’d walk out the first chance I got, I know it’s a lie. And my father knows it too. Perhaps that’s why he’s always been so hard on me.

With Damien in London and Cassian no longer living in our childhood home, I’m the only son who is still lives at Thorne Manor. Even though that may seem like I’m not independent, our family is nothing like what one would assume a normal family is like.

When we come to a stop at intricately designed jet-black metal gates, my shoulders tighten with tension. I don’t know these people. I’m not sure what this meeting will entail, but I need to fight the anxiety and focus.

It’s part of being a Thorne.

You roll with the punches, and you hit back even harder.



Thankfully, we’re staying with Ares. The car takes us through town, past my old home with the Birchwoods stopping outside the one home that used to be party central when I was growing up. I’m not sure who would be working for the Lancasters at the moment, but I pray it’s someone new to town, someone who doesn’t know me. The staff are usually brought in from out of town, so maybe over the years, Ares and Philipe have hired new butlers and housemaids.

As soon as we exit the vehicle, my muscles tense up, but I calm down again when the front door opens and I don’t recognize the woman who steps out. She doesn’t even cast a glance my way, but I know it won’t be long until Finn finds out who I am. Or at least, that I’m from the society his father wants him to join.

Even though I walked away from it, I still have an obligation to them. It makes life hell, but I’ve gotten so used to living with my demons, they’ve become friends.

“Welcome,” the woman greets us. “It’s so lovely to have you here. I’m Ramona, and I’ll be your host for the next few days when Mr. Lancaster is out. I know you don’t have a time limit on your stay, so please, feel free to let me know if you need the rooms for extra nights.”

“Thank you,” Finn says before I can respond. “We’ll only need the three nights.” It seems he’s just as ready to leave here as I am. Don’t get me wrong, Tynewood is a beautiful town, but I don’t think I can bring myself to live here indefinitely. Not with my past haunting me.

“Not a problem,” she says with a smile. “Follow me and I’ll have Luther bring your luggage up.” We make our way up the staircase to the first landing, where we turn right. Before us, there are three rooms, and I’m almost certain we won’t need all three, but we don’t tell Ramona that small detail.

“This is the first one,” she announces before pushing open the door. I take it, since I know Finn will want Zaria between us. We’ve come to a place we don’t know, and the threats are real when it comes to the two factions of the Sovereign.