“You’re beautiful.” Her final assessment makes me smile. “And I have a feeling you’re going to give him a run for his money.” This she whispers conspiratorially.

“I’m not so sure about that, but I’m not someone who will take kindly to being told what to do, especially from a man I don’t know.” My honesty makes her laugh out loud, and her whole body shakes. The amusement written on her face is enough to make me smile.

“You’re going to fit right in with the other Thorne girls,” she says after she’s wiped the tears from her eyes.

Confusion causes my brows to crease. “Thorne girls?”

Joy nods. “Nesrin is Damien’s wife, the eldest brother. And then there’s Kalyn, who’s Cassian’s girl,” she informs me. I knew the other brothers were taken, but I didn’t realize I would be meeting their wives so soon.

“I didn’t realize everyone lived here.”

“Oh no, Damien and Nesrin live in London. Cassian and Kalyn sleep here at times, but they have their own house closer to town.” It seems I’m learning so much more than I ever anticipated. I didn’t even think about stalking the other brothers when I was researching Finn.

“Well, I’m looking forward to it,” I tell Joy with my fake smile plastered in place. I can’t tell this woman that I’m afraid of being here. She’s welcomed me with affection, and I am sure she loves the Thorne family as her own. My negative comments will not be welcome. And I don’t want to start off on the wrong foot.

“Let me show you to your room,” Joy says as two of the male staff members appear with my suitcases. “Finn is out with a friend.” The way she says the word friend has my gut churning. Does he have someone already? If so, why am I here then?

We make our way up the stairs before turning left. Joy leads me down a long hallway and stops short at a door. “This is Finn’s bedroom,” she tells me before continuing. “And this is yours.”

I’m right next door to the man I’m supposed to marry.

“Oh,” I gasp when she opens the door and allows me to enter. Everything is bright, with soft feminine colors that remind me of a summer’s day. It’s nothing like I expected. An enormous four-poster bed, draped in white bedding with light pink roses sits against one wall. While a window seat beckons me first, I take in the four windows that allow light to stream into the room.

The view is of the back yard, which looks like it’s been made for royalty, including a maze that leads to the forest behind the house. Beyond that are peaks decked in a dusting of snow, giving the view a picture-postcard feel.

“Do you like it?”

I turn to regard Joy. “It’s beautiful.” I nod with a smile. “What is that?” I point at a closed door in the corner of the room, opposite the bed.

“It’s the adjoined bathroom. Finn and you will be living quite closely.” Her words hold a hint of amusement, but also a hint of something I can’t quite put my finger on. Wariness? I’m not sure.

“Oh.” It’s all I can manage and I’m certain I must sound like an idiot, but I have nothing to add to that.

“I’ll leave you to freshen up,” she tells me. “If you need me, I’m in the kitchen. Down the stairs and to your left.” With a quick wave, I’m left alone to get used to my new bedroom. It’s nothing like the one from home, but at least it’s comfortable.

I just don’t know how I’m going to live with Finn’s bedroom connected to mine.



The sun is slowly setting against the horizon as I stare out at the lake. I shouldn’t be sitting out here because I should be working, but right now, all I can think about is Finn with her. I’ve never been a jealous person, but there’s something about him getting married that’s brought out a dark need inside me to fuck it up.

When Finn comes up from the silvery water, the water droplets trickling down his body, I can’t stop my dick from hardening. He smirks as he nears me to grab a towel. I watch him dry off, but I don’t say anything because if I do, it will only cause a fight.

I fell in love with Finn Thorne when I first saw him. It wasn’t his perfectly-sculpted body, it wasn’t his voice or his charm, it was his smile. The dimples in either cheek captured me, and I was fucked.

Since I was a teen, I knew I was bi, but one night after far too many drinks, I confessed to Finn. He shocked me by leaning in and kissing me. At first, I thought he was just fucking around because we were both drunk, but then he told me about his proclivities, and how they were a secret.