The more we weave away from my childhood home, the tighter my chest gets, and the more my stomach churns with nervous energy. It would’ve been beneficial if I could drink, or smoke, perhaps it would numb my emotions. But the car isn’t equipped, and I don’t want Winston telling my mother about my extracurriculars. So, instead, I try to focus on the scenery as we head for the private airstrip.

“Ms. Abadi,” the gentle voice of the flight attendant jostles me awake, and I find that we’re no longer in the air. The plane has already landed. I didn’t expect to fall asleep, but my exhaustion must have gotten the better of me. “We’re here,” she tells me with a smile.

“Thank you.” I push to my feet, before I stretch and allow my limbs to wake up. I grab my purse and sling it over my shoulder before disembarking onto the tarmac. A car waits for me, and it seems my luggage has already been loaded into the trunk. The driver holds the door open, waiting for me.

“Good afternoon, Ms. Abadi,” he greets when I reach him.

“Hello,” I say before slipping into the back seat. Once the door is shut and we’re on our way, I finally flick on my cell phone. The moment it lights up, the notifications start flooding the screen. As much as I’d rather hide from the limelight, I should post about my arrival in Thorne Haven. A small smirk tilts my lips when I take a photo of the thick forest we’re passing. I load the image and type out a caption that I know will capture Finn’s attention. Even though I don’t love him, it doesn’t mean I can’t have some fun.

The thought has butterflies awakening in my belly, but when my mother’s words rush into my mind, it’s like a heavy weight, sinking those same flurries. She’s clearly got some plan that’s playing out, one I want to know about, because it involves me and my future. But I know that no matter how many times I ask, she won’t admit to it. She won’t tell me the truth, and that stings.

A message comes through from her, asking if I’ve arrived safely. For a moment, I want to act like a petulant child and ignore her, but I don’t. Instead, I respond with a curt, yes, safely in Thorne Haven, and leave it at that.

It doesn’t take long before I realize we’ve turned down a private road. There are trees on either side as we weave amongst them. Even though it’s sunny, there’s a looming darkness that hovers over the vehicle. When we come to the end of the winding path, two enormous raven-hued metal gates greet us.

My driver pushes the buzzer and we’re allowed through. I can’t see the house just yet, but from the gates that opened for us, I’m going to take a wild guess that it’s more like a castle than a home.

I find I’m right when the building comes into view. My breath is stolen as the car makes it around the enormous fountain outside the front door. We come to a stop and I can’t open the door quickly enough. The driver, I still don’t know his name, rounds the vehicle to help me to my feet.

I tip my head back to take in my new home. The gothic architecture gives it a spooky, but ethereal feel. Windows overlook the front of the house, and the black balustrade that lines the second and third floors allows you to stand on the balconies from what I’m guessing are bedrooms.

There are four gigantic pillars on the ground floor, one on each corner of the house, and two on either side of the door. It slides open and I’m not expecting the older woman who steps out onto the porch. I was sure Finn would be waiting for me, but I can’t ignore how my heart sinks when it isn’t his face I see.

“You must be, Zaria,” the older woman says, a large smile on her face. The gentle, maternal hold she envelops me in causes my heart to stutter in my chest. “I’m Joy,” she tells me. “I’m the housekeeper who looks after the home. Also, more like an older mom to the boys. But don’t tell them I call them that, they’re all grown men, but I’ll always see them as boys.” She leans in as if she’s telling me a secret, and I find myself smiling despite the reasons I’m here. When she steps back, she holds my shoulders, taking me in from head to toe.

“It’s lovely to meet you,” I tell her, a slight nervous feeling overtaking me as this woman peruses me. I wonder if she’s trying to see if I’m a good match for Finn, who is like a son to her.