Page 17 of Afflicted

"Girls trip it is then," Lacey said.

"Was I not invited then?" Ryan asked, squeezing me a little tighter.

"It might as well be a girls trip," I said. "You don't wanna follow us around all day while we try on clothes."

"What kinda clothes?" Spencer asked. "’Cause if you're talking about underwear-"

Lacey smacked him on the arm before I could.

There was a huge weeping willow by the edge of the lake and more of our friends were gathered beneath it. Tommy threw a football our way as we approached and we were quickly ditched by the boys in favour of a game.

The duck was still wagging its tail and making irritated noises as it started to swim out onto the lake. I watched its progress with amusement as it joined up with another duck which looked like it was glaring back at me.

I kicked my shoes off as we reached the rest of the girls and sank down onto the soft grass.

"Did your mom and dad end up staying in the city last night Kaitlyn?" Demi asked as she spotted me.

"Yeah they did, how did you know?" I asked.

"Reese promised us a party if they did." She raised an eyebrow accusingly.

"Oh, he did mention something but we weren't sure if they'd be home or not. I was only sure when I woke up this morning and realised they hadn't made it back."

"Shame." Demi turned away from me dismissively and Lacey gave me a knowing smile.

I might have lied a little but I wasn't about to apologise for not hosting a party. Especially as my mom would know the second she got home; getting something past her was damn near impossible. And the last thing I needed was to be grounded.

The duck had gathered five more ducks around him and they were all quacking irritably as they eyed us on the lakeshore.

"Does anyone have any food?" I asked.

"I've got some chips," Ella offered as she rooted in her bag and tossed them to me.

"Mind if I feed the ducks?" I asked. "They look kinda hungry."

Demi laughed loudly. "You wanna feed the ducks? What are you, five?"

"Maybe," I agreed as I stood and headed for the ducks.

The six birds watched me approach as I opened the bag of chips. I crumbled a few in my fist and threw the crumbs into the water.

The ducks didn't move.

"Here," I said as I tossed some bigger pieces closer to them.

The duck in the centre of the group quacked at me suddenly, almost making me drop the packet.

"Ducks like bread!" Chloe called.

"Be that way then," I said as I turned my back on them.

I started heading back up the bank towards my friends but the sound of splashing made me turn.

The ducks had followed, they were leaving the water and standing on the bank behind me in a line. I glanced down at the half empty pack of chips in my hand and tossed a few more to them. They still didn't go for the food but continued to stare at me.

"Are these ducks being weird?" I asked as I moved away from them again.

"All birds are weird," Ella said. "They don't even have toes."