Page 50 of Chained

"Why would he drag us half way through the forest just to ditch us?" I reasoned with her.

Laurie opened her mouth to respond but a soft splashing announced Coal and Kaloo returning.

"See?" I smiled at her.

I tried not to stare as Coal climbed out of the lake, water running down his bare chest and accentuating his muscles.

"Okay, I think if you're careful you can both sit in the leaf together. I don't want to leave one of you out here alone, it's too dark now." He eyed the trees suspiciously.

"What are you so worried about?" I asked, following his gaze. The trees looked much the same as they had all day, though the shadows held more secrets now.

As if in answer to my question, a burst of snarling broke the silence from somewhere in the treetops.

"Probably best to find out some other time," he said as he helped Laurie and I to clamber into the leaf.

It bobbed precariously but didn't sink. Kaloo seemed eager to move and we were soon skimming across the water, a light breeze tugging at my hair.

I reached out carefully and let my fingers trail in the cool water. Coal swam along next to us, having no trouble keeping pace with our leaf-boat. I found myself wanting to learn how to swim too, it looked like a kind of freedom. Laurie had shut her eyes, waiting for the crossing to be over. She was muttering something under her breath which sounded like 'I'm not going to drown' over and over again.

It took a good ten minutes for us to cross the lake and the temperature dropped quickly around us, making me shiver.

Another snarl went up as we reached the waterfall. It sounded closer to us this time, even with the added distance the water provided. Looking back, I could make out something prowling on the bank we had just vacated. Coal raised a finger to his lips. The animal's shape was just a dark blur on the edge of the water. I couldn't make out any details but it was huge.

The splashing of the waterfall turned into a dull roar as we approached. Spray speckled my clothes and I flinched in anticipation as we headed straight towards the rushing water.

Kaloo pulled us under the downpour without hesitation. I gasped as the cold water soaked me and created a puddle in the base of the leaf. We continued through to a cave hidden on the other side.

Coal climbed up onto a rocky shelf and helped us up after him. The water created a strange roaring noise that echoed around the confined space. We moved a short distance into the cave which twisted slightly, hiding the cascading water from view and deadening some of the noise.

Taylor was spread out on a layer of dried grass. The cave was clearly well used, there was a stash of supplies and firewood which had been there long enough to dry out. It was lit by a small fire, which illuminated the walls. They were patterned with sparkling silver lines.

"What are they?" I asked, fascinated.

"We think it's some kind of mineral deposit," Coal replied.

"It's beautiful," I said stepping closer to the wall and running my fingers along the grooves.

I felt Coal move to stand nex

t to me.

"Are you okay? It's a lot to take in, leaving everything you know behind," he said in a low voice.

"Being in the city always felt wrong to me somehow. I feel like... I don't know..." I shrugged. "I was sleeping or something but now, I'm finally awake." I looked up at him, the light of the silver lines were reflected in his eyes. He was standing a lot closer to me than I'd realised.

"Maybe I did you a favour then." He held my gaze for a few seconds. It was like something was trying to pull me towards him and I couldn't resist it. His gaze slid sideways towards where Taylor was sleeping. He stepped back.

"We should get some sleep," he said, turning towards the fire.

I took a deep breath and looked at my boots, a small puddle had formed beneath my feet.

Sighing, I moved to Taylor's side and checked that he was positioned comfortably before curling up next to him and closing my eyes. I tried to ignore the fact that I was soaking wet, covered in blood and mud and wearing yesterday's clothes to sleep in.

As I drifted off, I listened to the sounds of running water and thought of how, strangely, it felt like I was home at last.

Chapter Seventeen

I woke before the sun rose. The cave was dark and the fire had burnt low. Coal was sitting next to it, his back to me. I checked on Taylor again but there was no sign of him waking up, I felt a knot tighten in my stomach and chewed on my lip. His breathing was steady but he still wouldn't stir. With a sigh, I stood and moved to the cave entrance.