Page 20 of Chained

Each of the helicopters were stationed on wheeled platforms that moved along tracks that crisscrossed the ground.

We moved towards a grey helicopter whose propellers were slowly starting to rotate. The pilot was already onboard and preparing for departure.

Lucretia moved quickly into the seat next to the pilot and tightened a buckle across her lap.

Hook-nose was in front of me, he jumped onboard and turned to help pull me into place. I scooted over to sit by the window and peer out.

The rest of the Wardens clambered up behind me, settled into the other seats and buckled themselves in.

"Its not all bad, hey?" the female Warden whispered to me as she slid into the seat next to mine. "Laurie." She introduced herself.

"Maya." I smiled back. If she was willing to be friendly then maybe I wasn't in too much trouble.

The helicopter lurched forward as the carriage beneath it started moving along the tracks. We manoeuvred out of the line and turned sharply to face the open wall. I could hear the blades spinning faster and faster as we closed in on the exit. We passed out from under the roof of the cavernous room onto a ledge which protruded from the side of the building.

As we reached the edge, the carriage stopped moving and the helicopter began to lift into the air.

The bottom dropped out of my stomach as we soared higher. I snatched at my seatbelt and fumbled with it as I tried to work out how to do it up. Laurie leant over to do it for me and I smiled gratefully.

The platform sped away below us at an astounding rate. We got level with the top of The Wall, which was around one hundred stories up then soared over it for maybe fifty feet.

I strained my eyes, looking towards the horizon, searching for something out there past the dusty brown landscape that surrounded the city in every direction but one. As I looked towards the ocean, I could make out waves crashing to and fro, creating white lines along the deep blue surface.

The helicopter began to bank hard right and turn back over The Wall. I was looking out at the wasteland again, dirt and dust extending eternally. A flash of light flared on the horizon. I stared at the spot as we turned away and saw something glinting in the sunlight. The view was almost out of my range of sight but as I peered back, craning my neck, I swear I saw a spot of green.

The city was beautiful in its own way. I took in the dramatic buildings with metal and glass shining and glimmering in every direction. The top of The Wall was lined with countless spinning turbines which helped to generate power and cast flickering shadows over the skyscrapers nearest to its edge.

The skyscrapers themselves were topped with solar panels. The city was entirely self sufficient and self contained. The perfect system for the preservation and continuation of human life.

The flight lasted about fifteen minutes. We travelled half way around The Wall then took a direct path through a gap between the towers to the skyscraper in the heart of the city.

Safe Harbour was the tallest building in the city. It served as our capital building and the residence of the Guardians. It was built out of gleaming blue glass that twisted in diamond shaped patterns running back and forth all the way around its outer edge. They reflected the light of the sky all day and night in changing shades of blue. Another landing platform awaited us, protruding from one of the upper floors and we were transported inside.

Straight away it was clear that Safe Harbour was an entirely different kind of tower than the ones I was accustomed to. Outside the landing chamber, the hallways were carpeted and lit with soft lighting which subtly accentuated delicate wallpapers and paintings. Music played softly, welcoming us inside.

Everything screamed of luxury. I was used to grey corridors designed with practicality in mind. These corridors were obviously used to having a lot less footfall.

A girl dressed in a cleaning uniform and carrying a tray with a silver tea service on it entered a room to my right as we passed. I caught a glimpse of the apartment beyond the door.

The room was huge, three or four times bigger than my entire apartment and, inside, a family sat lounging in comfortable chairs around an electric wall fire. A wave of heat washed over me. There was a TV screen the size of an entire wall playing in the background. They had a

window which actually let in light from the outside. The blue glass cast a sparkling sapphire sheen across the space that illuminated everything beautifully.

The serving girl set about handing tea to the residents inside as I watched, my mouth hanging open at the sight before me.

"Move it," Unibrow growled, shoving me roughly on and I stumbled ahead.

I knew that people lived in a higher standard of apartment depending on how much they contributed to society, but I never imagined that kind of extravagance existed. The Uppers didn't mix with the rest of us much, even when I lived with my parents I had been far enough beneath them that I barely warranted politeness. Now they didn't even acknowledge me.

We moved quietly to the elevator in the centre of the tower which was made entirely of the same blue glass as the building's exterior. It was waiting open for us.

We rode up several floors. The wall of the elevator shaft was filled with water and little fish swam back and forth. It was as unbelievable as it was ridiculous.

We slid to a stop. Laurie smiled encouragingly as the doors opened, revealing a huge room. I tried not to gape as I stared at it.

It was the size of an entire floor. The blue, glass walls let in a shimmering light all around us and gave an impressive view over the roofs of many of the surrounding skyscrapers.

Seats filled with people, ringed one quarter of the room. In front of them, a platform was raised with three people sat on it behind a table with their backs to us. Professor Delo, President Rivers, and a huge brick of a man I recognised as the leader of the Wardens, though I couldn't remember his name. My throat felt dry and I tried to swallow past a lump as I took in the sight of the three Guardians.