Page 5 of Chained

I tried not to focus on how revealing it was and moved back outside. Taylor was stepping from foot to foot.

"I feel weirdly self aware." He grimaced, pulling in vain at the material which was clinging to his chest.

"At least they considered your modesty," I laughed, pointing to the padded shorts area on the suit.

"Well I'm not concerned about that, but it is nice for the less well endowed men not to have to try and compete."

"You're a moron," I said, rolling my eyes as we reached the lockers.

"You can't call me a moron; I'm your on

ly friend, what does that say about you?" Taylor took my clothes and shoved them into the same locker as his.

"That I take pity on you."

"I vote to agree." Artie had appeared with perfect timing as usual, dressed in his own biohazard suit.

"You can't agree with her again, where's the paternal bond?" Taylor asked.

"Are you suggesting he puts blood before the truth? We're working with facts here," I added instantly.

"I vote to agree again," Artie smiled.

"Oh no, I won't be drawn into one of these, I'm off to sign in." Taylor walked away as Artie slapped me a high five.

"He's too easy," I smiled as we watched him join the back of the other queue. Most people had already joined their groups and headed to the cable cars.

We moved aside as a group bustled past us. Artie nodded to Dr Lomax who was leading them. Rebecca Adeler waddled by, trying to look superior as she shot me a scowl. Rebecca was in my class and had tried her hardest to make my life hell since I'd been sent to live on forty. The problem was, I found it hard to be intimidated by a girl who hadn't even figured out how to brush her hair properly and only lived on ninety six even with her family intact.

Most of my other classmates had avoided me since my demotion and many pointed out on a regular basis that I no longer met the requirements for our class. Luckily, the education Guardian had decided that, as my demotion was due to bereavement, I could stay where I was. Besides, I only needed Taylor.

The room was slowly emptying as the various groups formed and were led out to the cable cars. I took a breath and tried to gather my thoughts, plucking at the material that clung to my left arm. I was actually going to see what the outside world looked like for myself.

"Trying not to burst?" Artie asked.

"Is it that obvious?" I attempted to stop grinning like an idiot.

"Only to me kid. Are you eating with us tonight?"

"So long as Jane isn't experimenting again," I said cautiously.

"She's sworn off home cooking, only pre-packed meals from now on."

"I've heard that before." I shook my head as if I wasn't sure, but we both knew I'd be there.

Taylor reappeared at our side.

"I signed both of us in, and guess who our team leader is? One Dr Jackson."

"I've heard he's a total asshole," I said, dropping my voice.

"Yeah I think he's a real jackass," Taylor agreed.

"Who'd have thought to put a pair of idiots like you in my group?" Artie gave us a scowl while he tried to hide a smile beneath his moustache.

"That's the rest of the team over there." Taylor jerked a thumb over his shoulder towards the final group of people who were all staring at us.

I recognised another boy from our class, Daniel. He turned his gaze from mine as I glanced in their direction. I didn't know why they expected me to want their approval. They certainly didn't get mine.