"Baiting people. It's a kind of training that he likes to use. It's supposed to help teach you how to keep a clear head under difficult circumstances," Coal explained.

“Why would I need that?" I narrowed my eyes at Hunter. Maybe I'd been hasty in deciding I liked him.

"Sometimes, in a fight, a distraction can cost you dearly. Keeping a clear head can be very important." Hunter smiled. "Sorry."

I rolled my eyes. "It's fine. It might not be a bad idea for me to have some advantages in a fight."

"I thought they trained you for the Lawless Trials?" Coal asked.

"She can shoot and throw knives almost like a pro," Laurie said walking into the room. "But in a fist fight, she'd lose to a five year old."

“I'm not that bad," I protested.

"Seriously, if you're ever out of ammo and knives - just run," she advised me.

"Are you really that bad?" Alicia arrived looking irritatingly perfect and I ran my fingers through my hair again.

"No," I snapped. "I'm getting changed." I stormed into the bedroom with my coffee in hand and rooted around until I found my trials pants and boots and a clean white tank top. I pulled a brush through my hair and took a breath before re-emerging in the living area. Several deep swigs of the life giving nectar and my inner bitch was calming down. I took a deep breath and headed back out to join the others as they sat down for breakfast.

"Sorry if I upset you," Laurie said, holding my eye as I reentered the room and I waved off her apology. "But if we're heading into a fight it's only fair that we all know each other's strengths and weaknesses."

“It's okay, I know I'm not great in a fist fight," I sighed.

"Maybe I can give you some lessons when we get back," Coal offered.

"Or maybe, as someone who actually knows how to train people, I could." Hunter gave Coal a look that I couldn't work out.

"Or maybe I could!" Alicia gushed. "Seriously people, can we talk about something relevant to the mission. I'll give Maya some extra knives later, problem solved." I smiled at Alicia's forthright manner.

“Thanks," I said and she flashed me a smile back.

“So what's the plan?" Laurie asked.

"Simple. Breakfast, then we hit the road," Hunter said as he produced a bag filled with fresh croissants and a jar of strawberry jam.

The journey north was going to take two days by road. There was a farmhouse a little farther than half way where we’d take shelter for the night in the middle of the trip then it was straight on to the bunker.

The trees changed subtly as the car wound its way onwards. They were darker the further north we went, the leaves rougher in appearance. The undergrowth was different too, it looked spongey and damp but not humid like the forest we’d entered initially. It just looked wet. The temperature dropped as well and I huddled down into my seat, my breath misting on the windows.

"Is it much further?" I asked. Laurie was asleep again and Alicia was concentrating on the road. Coal had been staring vacantly out of the opposite window in silence for what seemed like years. "I'm bored to death."

“I'm not sure it's possible to be bored to death," Coal replied, his mouth curling up at the side.

"Well it must be. I can feel my heart giving up on beating, my lungs can't be bothered to work and my brain is definitely trying to disintegrate." And my legs were numb, I was hungry and I needed to pee but I tried to rein in the moaning a bit.

"What do you want me to do about it?"

"If I knew I'd have done it myself already." I looked over my shoulder at Kaloo who had curled up in the truck bed and fallen asleep. Her fur blew back and forth in the wind but she looked perfectly at ease. I shivered at the thought of being out there with her. Behind us on the road were two other trucks, filled with Hunter and his men.

I could feel Coal watching me and shifted my eyes to meet his.

"What?" I asked.

“I was just wondering what this must be li

ke for you, after living hidden away in your tower your whole life. To come out here, to see all of this. You're coping extremely well considering." He gave me a look that made me feel like a science experiment.

“Am I now?"