“Do you accept that you took the wrong course of action and placed the lives of everyone within the city of Harbour at risk due to negligence on the part of yourself and that of Mr Jackson?"

"I didn't mean to." I bit my lip.

"That is why we are calling it negligence as opposed to deliberate sabotage." Lucretia fixed me with a piercing stare. She placed her palms flat on the table and leaned forward as if she was preparing to pounce.

“I suppose so then." I couldn't help feeling that I had been backed into a corner without knowing at what point I could have changed the course of the conversation.

"Sign here to that effect then please." She snatched the tablet from the silent man, turned it around and handed it to me. He’d been filling out a form with everything we’d discussed written down word for word.

At the bottom of the page were the words 'I, Miss Maya Summers, agree that this is a true representation of the facts as I understand them.' And underneath that was a box for my signature. I used my finger to trace my name onto the tablet and it was instantly pulled back across the table.

“Thank you, Maya, you have been most cooperative." She smiled predatorily at me.

They both stood, wooden chair legs scraping across the tiles. The man gathered everything, including the two additional chairs and headed back out through the sealed door. Lucretia paused to look down at me where I still sat in front of the empty table.

"So, when will I get to leave?" I asked, hoping my ordeal was finally all over.

"Someone will come to escort you to a hearing where we will come to a conclusion about your punishment in due course. Please try to remain calm and relaxed in the meantime." She turned on her heel and headed for the door.

“Punishment?" I asked in a small voice. She hesitated by the door, one blue-taloned hand clutching the frame.

"You broke the law, Miss Summers, and we have your signed confession to that fact. There must be a punishment for endangering all of our lives would

n't you agree?"

The door swung shut without her waiting for my response and I listened to the clicking of her high heels as she disappeared down the hallway.

She was gone, and I was all alone again.

I sat staring at the white walls for a long time after Lucretia left. Eventually I decided to eat the muffin and realised they’d found a new place to hide the sedative.


I kept up a monotonous routine for eight more sleeps which I presumed equated to days. The only thing to make it more bearable were the new books I'd been given which were much more to my usual tastes.

Occasionally, I would hear shuffling footsteps outside my door but no one ever responded to me calling out.

I stopped trying to avoid the sedative when they put it in all of my food. There was no point in me starving and at least it helped to pass the time.


On the twelfth day, or night, or whatever, I woke with Lucretia standing over my bed.

A group of six Wardens were positioned behind her and I spied Unibrow and Hook-nose amongst them. I sat up, blinking away my weariness and scowled back at her.

"Is there a reason you're here while I'm in bed asleep?" I challenged. My patience was wearing well beyond thin after days locked up alone in here and I wanted some damn answers.

She was wearing a beige power suit with matching nails. The colour washed her out, making her look even colder than usual.

"It's time for your sentencing." Lucretia smiled. "We’ve gone over your statement and that of your co-conspirator and have deliberated on many things from the intent behind your actions to the threat you posed to the population with them. We’ve come to our decisions accordingly. Follow me."

She turned and left without waiting to see if I was following. The Wardens looked down at me menacingly. I glared back and darted into the washroom to throw on a fresh tracksuit without asking permission. I wasn't going to find out my fate in yesterday's clothes.

The Wardens didn't look impressed when I emerged but didn't make any comments either.

My gaze snagged on a pretty blonde girl standing at the back of the group who looked like she was trying not to smile and I instantly warmed to her.

I gave her a hesitant smile in return and she moved to my side as we headed out into the corridor.