I drew in a deep breath, banishing everything but my need for survival.

A bloodcurdling scream announced the Creepers' attack and I braced myself for one hell of a fight.

“You with me Garret?" I asked, looking at my friend and finding steel in his gaze.

“To the end boss,” he growled.

“Well that won't be today," I promised.

I reached for the trigger and let off a burst of shots as thunder rumbled angrily above our heads.

We were in their territory, outnumbered and surrounded.

But there was no chance in hell I was dying today.

After the initial hallway, which was smooth and unchanging, we came upon another metal door which was wedged half open.

Rather than opening in the usual way, one door hung suspended from the ceiling and the other extended from the floor. The gap between the two was little more than a metre wide with interlocking spokes protruding from each edge. It was clear we would have to crawl through the space between them to reach the other side.

“So, hypothetically, if the doors slammed shut while we were half way through, do you think we would realise it had happened before we went splat or just never know what hit us?" Alicia asked cheerfully as she tossed her bag through the gap. It slid over the lip on the other side and thudded as it hit the ground. Thankfully the door didn't react in any way.

“Why don't you go first and if it slams shut, let us know," Coal suggested as he swung his bag through too.

“Okay," Alicia said, giving Coal a salute and pulling herself up into the gap. It took her a moment to navigate the giant spokes designed to lock the doors together, then she was through.

"Everything okay your end?" Coal asked as he pulled himself up after her.

"Looks like someone jammed the door open on this side," she replied, her flashlight beam swinging back and forth.

Coal was through a moment later and then it was my turn. It took me a few tries to actually pull myself up into the gap and eventually I had to grasp hold of one of the spokes to make it inside. It was claustrophobic with the cool metal pressing against my hands and knees and the door above me just inches from my head but I ignored the sensation as I crawled forward.

A mechanical vibration shuddered through my palms and I fell still as I held my breath.

An endless moment stretched as my pulse thrummed like a humming bird’s wings but nothing else happened so I sped up. I scrambled forward and gasped in relief as I made it through and dropped down on the far side.

Alicia's flashlight was illuminating the thing jamming the doors open. I stared at it for a long moment but I couldn't make out what it had been; the crushing power of the doors had done a good job of rendering it unrecognisable.

“Well it's made of some kind of metal," Alicia said as she followed my gaze.

“Why would someone jam it open?" I asked.

“Maybe they were trying to break in?" Alicia guessed.

"No. They were trying to make sure they could get out," Laurie said as she jumped down next to me. The doors let out a hollow groan and we all stepped away from them nervously.

“What makes you think that?" I asked Laurie once the noise stopped.

“Mainly because they jammed it open from the inside."

“But why would the door be trying to lock with people still down here?" I asked, shuddering as thought of it.

“Maybe someone didn't want them getting out," Coal suggested.


“Who knows?" Alicia shrugged again, not seeming to care much about the mystery.

“Maybe they didn't want them telling other people what had been going on down here," Laurie guessed.