“So long as Jane isn't experimenting again," I said cautiously.

“She's sworn off home cooking, only pre-packed meals from now on."

"I've heard that before." I shook my head as if I wasn't sure, but we both knew I'd be there.

Taylor reappeared at our side. "I signed both of us in, and guess who our team leader is? One Dr Jackson."

"I've heard he's a total asshole," I said, dropping my voice.

"Yeah I think he's a real jackass," Taylor agreed.

“Who'd have thought to put a pair of idiots like you in my group?" Artie gave us a scowl while he tried to hide a smile beneath his moustache.

"That's the rest of the team over there." Taylor jerked a thumb over his shoulder towards the final group of people who were all staring at us while they waited.

I recognised another boy from our class, Daniel Pollock. He turned his gaze from mine as I glanced in their direction like I might be diseased. I didn't know why they expected me to want their approval. They certainly didn't get mine.

"Ah, that's the cue for me to make a dashing and impressive entrance, kids," Artie said, brushing down his bio-suit and running his thumb and forefinger along his moustache before he strode over to them. They instantly swarmed around him with a little too much admiration and started competing for his attention.

Artie was in his element and we moved over to join the edges of the group, waiting for everyone to settle down.

“We're going to be divided into research pairs so that's you and me," Taylor said, taking my hand as Artie started splitting everyone else into pairs.

“Is that up to you?" I asked suspiciously.

"Didn't you see who our group leader is?" He gave me his most sincere look. "Dr Jackson at your service." He bowed his head in mock introduction.

“Junior. And you aren't a doctor, either." I nudged him with my elbow.

"Ah, the insignificant details that ruin my greatest plans," he sighed.

“And save the rest of us from near certain destruction." I reclaimed my hand and tried to ignore the irritation that flashed across his features.

"Maya Summers you're with Taylor Jackson." Artie's voice floated over to us and Taylor smiled broadly in triumph.

“Group twelve, Dr Jackson?" The frazzled woman was standing by the entrance to the cable car room, ushering us towards her.

The group surged forward and we moved through a large doorway into a holding area with a sealed door on the far side of the room. Benches lined the walls and everyone took a seat. Taylor and I entered last, so I got stuck sitting next to Daniel. He wrinkled his nose and leaned away from me and I called him a dipshit beneath my breath.

The woman handed out the boots and head gear which completed our suits.

The helmet was entirely closed in with a ventilator at the front to filter the contaminants out of the air. A visor cut my peripheral vision in half and directed my sight ahead. It all clipped securely to the suit and effectively blocked out the world which was kind of claustrophobic if I spent too much time thinking about it. But then I’d spent my entire life living inside one city which was pretty claustrophobic too.

Frazzle wasn't wearing a suit so I presumed she wouldn't be joining us outside. She moved back to the door we’d just entered through and closed the vacuum seal to lock us in. The air in the room constricted around us and my ears popped. My heart started to beat a little faster and my palms grew slick inside my suit.

"Do these helmets filter out Dweller stink?" Daniel whispered loudly enough for the whole room to hear as he shuffled away from me.

The girl sitting next to him giggled appreciatively.

“You wanna watch your mouth if you don't want to end up staying behind," Taylor growled without bothering to drop his voice.

"Thats not up to you." Daniel curled his lip.

"It is up to me though." Artie moved to stand in the centre of the room with his arms folded and Daniel dropped his gaze like a whipped little bitch.

"It was just a joke," he muttered apologetically.

"Daniel, you're eighteen next week right? That must be so exciting for you," I said sweetly.