I tugged at the cord on my sweatpants to give my hands something to do.

Taylor looked at me again, rolling onto his side and pushed my wet hair over my shoulder.

“Come on then, shove over,” he teased.

I smirked as I shuffled aside, making room for him to lay on his back. He held an arm out and I lay on my side as I snuggled in against him, resting my head against his chest as I let out a shaky breath.

"There's no need to be afraid, they're just making an example of us. We aren't in any real danger," he said, squeezing me tightly.

"I know, but it's not like we can be sure nothing will happen. Just being around these people... You know that big guy they had in chains? Grey is his name..." I lowered my voice despite Evander being hidden behind his security wall at the opposite end of the dorm.

"I thought I recognised him from the news," Taylor said with a nod.

"Laurie seemed scared about what he might do. To me. He gave me this look." I shuddered at the memory. "We need to stay away from him."

"We will. C'mon let's try to get some sleep."

He pulled me closer and I sighed as I tried to get comfortable in the small space. It wasn't nearly big enough but Taylor let his leg dangle off of the side of the bed to give me more room. I curled up next to him and tucked myself into his side, trying not to overthink it.

It felt weird and I wished he was wearing a shirt so there would be more of a barrier between us.

“Would you like some privacy?" the smooth voice asked again.

"Yes," I replied. The wall rose up and closed us inside.

“This is a safe zone, it cannot be opened from the outside except by a Warden. Please rest peacefully with full knowledge of your safety," the voice repeated.

Taylor gently ran his fingers through my hair and I stiffened at the overfamiliar contact. He didn't say anything but he let his hand drop back to the bed as he clearly noticed me tensing up.

"Do you really think we'll be alright?" I asked after a while.

“You'll always be alright with me around." Taylor gave me a little shake and I knew he was dodging the question. I let it drop and shuffled closer to him to get more comfortable. I placed my hand on his chest and felt the steady beat of his heart beneath my fingertips. There wasn’t anything else that either of us could say so I closed my eyes and let it lull me to sleep.

I woke up with puffy eyes and wet cheeks. I didn't remember crying but the evidence was there. The nightmares of my parents deaths came frequently enough for me to be used to that but I didn’t really want Taylor to know how much it still haunted me.

Thankfully, Taylor was still out of it. His arm was wrapped so tightly around me that I had to wriggle to get free. I managed to get upright and stretched, enjoying the feeling of freedom in my joints after a night spent squashed in a corner. I looked down at Taylor, tucked my legs underneath me and considered what he’d said when we were exploring the house outside The Wall.

Maybe he was right, we weren't the same as we used to be. The boy I'd grown up with was gone and there was a man slowly taking his place.

His hair was darker than it had been when we were younger and his face was all straight lines, though it hadn't lost any of its appeal, just the boyish roundness that used to be so familiar.

Looking at Taylor was like looking at myself. He was constant and steady and he made me feel like I was home no matter where we were. I supposed he would be considered handsome and I had noticed girls taking an interest in him, but to me he was just…Taylor. My one constant thing through the turbulence of my life, my rock, my shield, the purest love I knew. He was the closest thing to family I had.

Taylor stirred in his sleep and I gave him a shove.

“Wake up. I'd rather be ready before the Wardens come looking for us," I said, ducking aside as he threw the pillow my way. He sat up straight and looked at me with a frown. Waking Taylor was always risky.

“Damn. I was hoping it was all a nightmare," he grumbled, rubbing at his eyes.

"Dream on. Can we get out?" I asked the wall which obligingly slid out of place.

Laurie was standing on the other side as if she had been about to open it and I flinched in surprise.

"Hi." I smiled up at her as she took in the sight of us clambering out of the single bed.

"I didn't realise you two were together," she said, looking between Taylor and me.

“Oh fuck no." I laughed. "He's practically my brother."