I waved a hand dismissively. “It’s fine. If I need to explore, I figure I can go to the gift shop and beg for a map.”

He dipped his head and fought a laugh. “There are maps around, you know. On big bloody signs you can’t miss.”

“Ah, there we go, then.”

“Unless you’d like to avoid the public.”

“As a rule, yes. People irritate me.”

“Surely not. I’ve never noticed that about you.”

“I don’t appreciate your sarcasm, darling,” I retorted dryly. “I am a treasure.”

He sipped his tea. “Indeed, you are. It’s supposed to be nice out today, so why don’t you ask Christopher if he’ll show you the track in the woods? There’s only so much of the estate open to the public, and if you go through the woods, you’ll miss out on the public path that runs down to the Menai, and you’ll come out in a secluded area that’s inaccessible otherwise.” He paused. “Well, inaccessible by anything other than boat, and there might be some of the local guys catching mussels out on the water, but they won’t bother you.”

“Is it safe for the dogs?”

“Absolutely. It’s my favourite place to walk them. They’ll be fine off the leads, especially Baxter, but you can keep the smaller two on if you feel more comfortable.”

“What about the water? Is that safe?”

He laughed. “Yes, it’s perfectly fine. They love the water, and they don’t go too far out. If Jack and Lucy do, Baxter will herd them back in.”

I smiled. I’d seen Baxter do enough herding of them in the last forty-eight hours. He was like a little mother hen, and I wondered if it would be prudent to suggest that we get some sheep to keep him busy.

“Eva, are you all right? I know this has been a big change for you, and I’m not sure I’ve done as much as I can to help you prepare for it.” Concern flashed through his gaze. “I feel like I could have done more.”

I smiled. “I’m fine, honestly. It’s taking some adjusting, I’ll admit that, especially being so far away from everyone and not knowing anyone here. I think I’d just like to get some fresh air and some peace and quiet for a while today. Just decompress some. The last few days have been busy.”

Matthew nodded slowly, then rubbed his hand across his jaw. It was coated in a five o-clock stubble that, honestly, I wanted to rub against my thighs. Sadly, eight in the morning was not the time, and the kitchen was not the place.

Not today, anyway.

“I do wonder if you should have spent some time here before the wedding.”

I shrugged. “Maybe, but I don’t know that it would have made a lot of difference, and it’s so far away from Arrow Woods. I think I just need a few days to settle, maybe find something to do, and then I’ll be fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Perfectly so.”

“All right, then.” He finished his tea and walked over to me while knotting his tie. “The hotel is scheduled to open on Thursday. As soon as it’s open, I’ve blocked the next four days off to help you get settled in.”

“You don’t need to do that.”

“No, I’d like to, though.” He glanced around. “Just because this isn’t a real relationship doesn’t mean I don’t care about your wellbeing. This is your home now, and I want you to be comfortable here. We can… decorate your room.”

“Decorate my bedroom? What am I, five? I can’t walk into a five-hundred-year-old castle and start redecorating.”

“Eva, there are twenty bedrooms in this place, including countless unused rooms. I’m sure I can find somewhere else to put the furniture.”

“Thank you, but I quite like my room.” I smiled at him. “Maybe you can show me around the village instead. If I know how to get there, I’ll have somewhere to go and something to do.”

He did up his top button before finishing up his tie. “Excellent idea. We’ll go for lunch, and I’ll introduce you to some people.” He put down my mug and took my hands. “I know it won’t happen overnight, but I really would like you feel at home here.”

“I’m sure I will, in time,” I replied softly. “Thank you. I think I’ll get changed and head out with the dogs when Christopher appears.”

“He’s probably in the cellar. He’s been reorganising the wine bottles.” Matthew squeezed my hands, then leaned forwards and kissed me on the cheek. “Call me if you need anything.”

I followed him to the hallway where he took his jacket from the coat stand and slipped it on. “I will, don’t worry.”

“Do you promise?”

I drew an invisible cross over my heart and leaned against the door as he stepped outside. “Cross my heart.”

“Good.” He walked down the steps, then stopped and turned around. “Oh, and if you do go on that walk, don’t wear a dress.”