I could not believe the antics they had managed to get into. Especially considering what the hell else was going on tonight!

“Who is next?” I asked, looking around. Tank was staring into space, leaning against Mac and Suzanna’s car. Drake was nearby, grinning like a loon. He looked the worse for wear out of the two of them so I waved him over.

“You’re up, crazy pants.”

He gave me a cocky smile and plopped onto the open back bed of our SUV.

“What are you so happy about?”

“Been stressed lately, I guess. I feel a hell of a lot better,” he said without missing a beat. Then he smiled wider. “And Tank’s been asking for a beat down.”

“Didn’t get a beat down,” came the softly spoken reply.

Even I had to laugh at that.

“Yeah, you did,” Drake called out.

“Did not.”

“You both got a beat down, and you both gave a beat down,” I said loudly. I did not need to clean up after another fight. And they honest to God the two of them sounded like five year olds, arguing in the playground!

“We need to get those two married off,” Kaylie said as she walked back over a few minutes later. “That’ll clip their wings.”

“Agreed,” I said. “But who will have them?”

“That’s a damned good question,” she said with a laugh. “But they are cute,” she said, considering the issue with the seriousness of a judge. When she said she wanted to marry them off, she wasn’t joking. And if anyone could spring a trap for a man, it was Kaylie.

Especially with a little help from her friends.

“Hmmmm,” I said, glaring at the various bandaged bikers lounging around the parking lot in the middle of the night.

“Oh my God! It’s time!” Suzannah came running outside. “Sally wants us in the room. Girls only,” she added, also looking askance at the beat-up boys. “That baby does not need to see your busted up asses first thing.”

“Dumbasses,” I muttered as I stalked past the boys and into the hospital.

We rushed through the hospital and into the room, our shoes making that squeaking sound you only heard in hospitals and schools for some mysterious reason. Donnie gave us a brave smile as we entered, but he looked a little green around the gills.

Silly men, I thought for the hundredth time tonight. No. It was more than that. It might be closer to a thousand times.

They were silly. But we loved them.

Sally eye’s met mine and I nodded. I could see that she was nervous. This was the hard part.

Not that any of it had been easy.

“You got this, Sally bear,” Kaylie called out. I saw some of the tension leave her shoulders. We stayed out of the way but made sure she could see us. She looked our way every few minutes and we basically gave her a thumbs up.

Sally had fought long and hard for this second baby. The rest of us hadn’t had an issue. But we had hurt along with her during her struggles.

So this moment was a celebration for all of us. Donahue’s mother and sister poked their heads in and waved, then scooted out to the waiting room. They were family but we were her sisters. She needed us with her.

Everyone else would have to wait.

“I miss Jan,” Kaylie said, squeezing my hand.

“Me too. She’s going to be okay and so is this baby. I just know it,” I whispered back. And I did know it.

I felt it in my bones.



“I think I’m still drunk,” I said, as I took a deep puff of the cigar I was smoking. All the boys were outside, celebrating the birth go Donnie and Sally’s baby. But no one was paying me any mind.

Well, other than Tank. He was leaning against the car beside me. I heard him mutter.

“Me too, brother.”

And just like that, we were right as rain.

“Alright boys, we can go in in pairs. Who wants to go first?”

“I will,” I said, popping up and stubbing out my cigar. “I want a look at the newest little Devil spawn.”

Dev laughed.

“Maybe don’t call the baby that,” he offered. I nodded. Usually I didn’t like being told what to do. Hell, I usually did the opposite, just on principle. But I tried to take Dev’s advice. He was the club’s president for a reason, after all.

Tank and I followed Dev and Kaylie into the hospital. We waited outside while Kaylie knocked and disappeared inside. A moment later the door opened and she waved us in.

Donnie’s mom and sister were in there, having arrived just in time, with their sleeping toddler curled up in a chair. Becky was perched on the side of the bed, brushing Sally’s hair back.

The girls smiled brightly at us. A nurse passed by me and I stood up straight, staring. Her scent was so feminine and sweet that I just had to get a good look at her. It was imperative. Her curves moved temptingly under her scrubs as she crossed to the bed and lifted up the baby.