I had a sudden vision of what was going to happen. I had an extremely certain feeling that we were about to see a fight. As fun as it would be to watch those two have a showdown, it wasn’t the right night for it. But there wasn’t much I could do at the moment to stop the mounting tension in the room. So I walked over to the bar and poured myself a big, fat drink.

I had a feeling I was going to need it.



“Want to get some air?”

My adorably sleepy wife nodded, smiling at me gratefully. We’d been in the hospital for hours already. It was getting late. We knew it would be a long, potentially uneventful night. But we were there for each other, no matter what.

My wife, and my crew.

Our crew.

Plus the absolutely stupendous community that was growing up around the stables. The people who worked there, but also the people who stabled their horses there. Even the parents and kids who came for lessons.

It was a great place to be. I was beyond grateful to be a part of it. And witnessing Melissa flower as she took over and ran the place was a unique pleasure all it’s own.

We stepped into the cool night air, our hands clasped together as usual. The parking lot was peaceful and almost pretty at this time of night. It was misty out. She leaned against me and sighed.

“I love this weather,” she said wistfully. “It reminds me of the ocean.”

I squeezed her, knowing she was thinking of our honeymoon. I was thinking of it, too. In fact, I started feeling romantic, right then and there.

I looked down at her gorgeous face, then tipped her chin back for a kiss.

“Nick…” she protested when I finally lifted my head. “I didn’t mean to leave you unsatisfied before.”

“Hush,” I said, brushing her full bottom lip with my thumb. “I’m fine. Besides, I always want more with you.”

It was true. I was insatiable when it came to my beautiful bride. I’d known it way before I was ready to actually admit it to anyone. It was hard to believe but I had been afraid to cross the line with her. And she had truly thought I would never want someone like her.

When she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

Crazy girl, I thought fondly.

My phone pinged. I kissed her forehead and pulled it from my pocket. I looked down at it, not expecting anything exciting to be happening. The baby was showing no signs of being in a hurry to arrive. All of our phones were blowing up tonight with group chats. There was a lot going on in our little family, after all. The good and the bad.

Need backup

All hell breaking loose


I stared at my phone.

“Nick?What is it?”

“Uh, I think I need to go.”

“Everything alright?”

“Not sure. But I will be in touch.” I kissed her again, frowning. “I want you to go home and rest for a few hours when the next shift gets here.”

“I’m fine.”

“I will come back and make you go home,” I said, knowing she didn’t mind it when I got dominant. For the most part. I was quite a bit older, after all. I needed to protect and guide her.

Even though at least half the time she seemed to be guiding me. The difference was, she had a big heart and good instincts. I was leading by experience and trying to give her a example of responsible adulthood.

She shook her head and laughed.

“Okay, Mr. Bossypants.”

I kissed her one more time and jogged out to the car. I was at Jack’s less than ten minutes later. I half expected whatever was happening to be over by the time I got there. But the drama was not even close to be done.

Oh boy, was it ever not. Not by a long shot.

There was an epic brawl going on in the back of Jack’s workshop. Epic was an understatement. The sound of bodies hitting bodies was explosive.

And yet, by some miracle, no one was saying a word above a whisper.

I knew why, but it still made me chuckle. These boneheads were fighting like wild animals or ruthless killers, completely out of control. Meanwhile the rest of the guys were trying to stop them, but not one of them wanted to wake the kids.

Or Janet.

There would be hell to pay for that and every last one of us knew it.

Tank and Drake were bloody. I looked around and whistled under my breath. Everyone was a little bloody, except Jack.

I looked again.

Jack was leaning in the back doorway to the workshop, sipping a beer, and… smiling?

I bit back a laugh. Apparently, this was just what the big guy had needed, after all. Some normalcy. A little entertainment. His brothers acting like fools.