“Exactly.” I chuckled.

Before she could reply, the lady came back with half of our food and placed it down in front of us.

The old lady looked from me to my date and back.

“What are y’all’s names?” she asked.

Startled, the woman across the table said, “Iris. And this is…”

She trailed off, realizing she didn’t know my name either.

I chuckled and said, “Callum. But people call me Shine.”

“Callum,” Iris mused. “That’s a cool name. But so is Shine… why Shine?”

The lady left with a nod to herself, leaving Iris looking at me expectantly.

“A long time ago,” I started, “my sister decided that we all needed nicknames. I’m not sure why, or how. But we all of a sudden were called these nicknames, and then nothing else since. Even my mom calls us that. Which is weird, because she was the one who named us, right?”

She smiled, making my heart skip a beat.

God, she had pretty lips.

“What are the rest of the nicknames?” she asked curiously.

I held up a finger and started to list them off. “Haggard goes by Thief. Price goes by Trinket. Tide goes by Rook. Bram goes by Reap. Short for Reaper.”

“And your sister? What does she go by?” she asked. “And I’m assuming all of these are associated with a Crow?”

I nodded. “Crow is our last name. And no, my sister goes by Cannel. Haggard calls her Gypsy sometimes but it’s not more or less permanent like our nicknames. I’m not sure why, but I never thought to question it before now, either.”

She took a long sip of her drink, then set it down and stared at me curiously.

“Are you seeing anyone?” she blurted.

My brows rose. “No.”

“Do you want to be?” she wondered. “Because I could really use a fake boyfriend.”

I snorted. “What is this Teller’s occupation? I know I heard cop, but is he a detective? If he is, it’d have to look convincing for that to pass. As in, you can’t just say I’m yours and then not show him how I’m yours.”

Because the idea of being her fake boyfriend was definitely appealing. As long as it came with me being able to fuck her.

Iris blinked. “I… well, I guess I didn’t think that through before I just blurted it out there. He’s the chief of police for a city about forty minutes away from here.”

I blinked. “You’re dating the chief of police, and he’s following you around like some creepo?”

Iris smiled, but it definitely wasn’t a real one.

“Swear to God. I’m not sure what’s gotten into him, but I feel like maybe if he sees that I’m okay, that I’m not holding some epic grudge because he kissed some other woman, I think he’ll move on,” she admitted.

Our plates were set down in front of us, and then the waitress said, “Enjoy, Iris and Callum.”

I shot her a grin and started to dig into my food, my thoughts on the woman in front of me doing the same.

I was halfway through my second meal when she finished her first.

By the time I finished all the way, and ordered more biscuits, she’d finished what was left of her burger, and pushed the rest of her plates away. “I should’ve gotten one meal and eaten the biscuits for extra.”

Sticking to her guns, after I finished, she paid for her half of the meal, and I reluctantly let her, realizing that this felt like a test on my end.

After we paid, we both headed out to the bike.

The ride home was just as good as the ride there, and before I could stop myself, I pulled over to the side of the road once we got back into town.

She took my helmet off that I’d handed her to wear and looked at me curiously.

“Don’t know where you live, babe,” I said reluctantly.

Her frown showed that she, too, was a bit put out about going home.

Which started to solidify the request that was on the tip of my tongue.

That had been on the tip of my tongue the entire time.

“Could take you to my place,” I offered. “Give you some time off from him.”

Her eyes went intense as she bit her lip.

“I won’t maul you or anything,” I added. “At least, not if you don’t want me to.”

“I…” She pursed her lips. “I think I’d like to go home with you.”


Do not regret past mistakes. All decisions, good or bad, led you to where you are today. Disregard if you’re in prison.

-Iris to Shine


I think I’d like to go home with you?

What in the absolute hell was I thinking?

I’d had all of four relationships in my life, four sexual partners, and not a single one of them had been with a man that I’d met only hours before.

Yet, I’d agreed to go home with this one?

What in the hell was wrong with me?