“You stay with the same crew both the flight there and the flight back?” Callum asked curiously.

“Yep,” I confirmed. “There and back. Which means that I got to deal with her bright and shiny face—which, might I add, she wears way too much makeup—the entire way there.”

He grinned. “Next time you need a distraction, let me know. I’ll hop a flight with you.”

I melted a little bit inside, and it definitely wasn’t because the waitress put my drink down in front of me.

“Thank you,” I said, and meant it.

And that wasn’t directed at the waitress either, yet she took it as if it was.

“Welcome,” she chirped. “What can I get you boys to drink? Are you sharing her appetizers?”

Callum looked over to me. “Is there enough to share?”

I thought about that for a moment.

“You might want to bring out an extra bowl of queso. I’m willing to share my hot sauce, but I’m not going to eat an ounce less of my emotional support queso,” I warned.

Callum’s beautiful blue eyes sparkled.

Before I could warn him that I liked queso, my phone rang, and I picked it up without thinking.

“About time you called me back, loser,” I said to my brother.

“You called when I was in the middle of a business meeting,” Anderson apologized. “Everything okay?”

I looked at the two men who were now talking quietly across from me, and then to the margarita.

I picked it up and took a hefty pull on the straw before I answered, “Long flight.”

“That crazy chick that acts like she’s fourteen?” Anderson guessed. “Or the crazy boyfriend who won’t stop following you around town?”

I grimaced. “Crazy chick.” I paused. “I haven’t been home yet to deal with anything Teller Kincaid. I’m hoping he forgot about me while I was working, and I’ll show up to a normal life.”

Anderson snorted. “Yeah, I’ll cross my fingers for you.”

Chatter filled the line for a few seconds as Anderson started to talk to who I assumed was his secretary.

“You gotta go?” I asked.

Anderson was a big-wiz nerd who started his own company. A computer engineering kind of business that lots and lots of rich business folks needed for their Fortune 500 companies.

I didn’t bother to look more into his work because when I asked him about it, he went into technical detail, and my poor little brain couldn’t handle it.

Well, it probably could.

But Anderson didn’t know how to control himself when he got to talking about it.

“Yeah, I gotta go. Nance reminded me that I have an appointment in about two minutes to talk to the head honcho at Dime Tab, a major competitor in the…” I lost him for a second while he started to veer away from the phone, his excitement making him forget that he needed to speak into the phone and not let it drop from his face. “Shit, sorry. I forgot I was talking to you there for a second. I love you, sis. Gotta go.”

Then he was gone, and I was left smiling at my phone.

“Brother?” Callum asked.

I nodded. “Brother.”

“What’s your brother do?” Price asked.

I grimaced. “I don’t actually know, to be honest. I know that he owns a computer engineering company, but I hate to admit this, he’s too smart for his own good. He doesn’t know how to dumb it down enough for me.”

“What’s his company name?” Callum asked.

I told him, which had Price looking it up on his phone.

“Computer engineering is designing computers/computer parts,” Callum explained.

“Your brother is a millionaire,” Price grunted. “He designs systems for the US Military, darlin’.”

I shrugged. “I knew that. I just mean… I don’t know what exactly he does that’s so special. Like, I don’t know why he is picked over everyone else.”

The next ten minutes were spent talking about Anderson, and why what he did was so much more special than what any other computer engineer did.

We stopped talking when the queso arrived at the table.

I immediately started to dig in, having refrained from eating chips until it arrived.

I was through half of the basket when I looked up at the two men.

They were staring at me with equal measures of shock and laughter on their face.

“I’m hungry,” I told them. “I had a really long day, and that chick that complained about not getting any food got my food. Which Meya knew.”

There was a long moment of silence, then the two of them dug into their food with gusto right along with me.

We were nearly all the way through the guac and queso before the chick came back to take our orders.

I paused, looking at her. “I thought they already ordered… I’m gonna be so full.”

She gave a little laugh, then took their orders, having held off on putting mine in until theirs had been placed.

It was only when she was gone, and Price was scraping the side of the bowl with the last remaining tortilla, that I finally felt like me again.