“My little money maker, and my better half,” he greets us. “I’ve been waiting forever.”

Zed lets out a roar of rage and attacks himself. It is all I can do to get out of the way as the two of them enter into a bloody battle of green blood and vicious wounds.

This is the end. I can feel it wrapping itself around us. We have been around and around and it felt as though it might go on forever, becoming stranger and stranger, odder and odder. But no more.

Zed fighting Zed is a sight to behold. The two of them are a black and green blur, a grunting, snarling, cursing mass of pure rage and amusement. I say amusement because the incarnation of Zed being blamed for everything will not stop laughing. He shouts with glee and joy every time Zed’s fist meets his flesh.

I think I understand. This is the part of Zed that wants to destroy and be destroyed. The part that sold me because it saw no value in me besides what could be gained monetarily. As these two impulses do battle, the time streams are collapsing, combining themselves in turbulent eddies to try to find one single flow. That’s the explanation Zed would have given me. From my perspective, everything is warping and shifting. The room we’re in is a room. Then it is a desert. Then it is a raft. Suddenly we’re surrounded by thousands of people. The next minute we are entirely alone. Everything is shifting and changing in a way that makes my stomach lurch.

Their limbs move faster and faster, the battle raging evermore furiously. Neither one of them is winning. I don’t know if either one of them can win. I am afraid that we will all be taken by the collapsing time streams, but there is nothing I can do. These loops were triggered by Zed betraying me, and in doing so, betraying himself. His love is so powerful it created a schism in time itself.

Finally, they separate, bloodied, bruised, panting. Unable to do true damage to the other because they are the other. The battle is not over, because the battle has not yet begun.

“Why can’t I kill you,” Zed growls at his evil self.

“Because I am you,” the other Zed replies with a laugh. “You still don’t understand. You are just as greedy as I am. Just as craven, just as cruel, just as selfish…”


“Yes.” The bad Zed smirks.

I find myself drawn to the bad Zed. Something about his reckless ruthlessness, the possible cruelty he wears on his, well, not his sleeve, because he doesn’t have a sleeve. He has that harness.

“C’mere,” Bad Zed says, reaching out suddenly and grabbing me. He yanks me close to his chest, turning me about so I face outward, one of his hands lightly but firmly around my throat, controlling me completely.

“Let her go!” Zed demands.

“I can’t. Just like you can’t. This is what started all this trouble. We’re torn.”

Bad Zed’s other hand slides down around my waist and cups me between my thighs, holding me securely and possessively. I want to resist, mostly because I can see the expression on Zed’s face. He’s horrified to see me this way. But there is a part of me that wants to submit to his dark side, let him have his way with me, use me as he pleases. I am throbbing internally with need. I can feel my pussy clenching and unclenching, desperate kegels of desire. As this darker incarnation of Zed handles me, I feel alive in new ways. I am relieved of the burden of being my own. I find myself simply being his.

“Good girl,” he growls in my ear, squeezing my sex tighter. “This is what you want, isn’t it. This is how you need to be used. Taken. Sold. Reclaimed. Imagine how thoroughly I’ll fuck you to make you mine again after you’ve been used by another.”


What he wants is twisted and selfish, entirely hedonistic. In his arms I am a collection of hot, wet, useable parts. It’s wrong. It’s bad. It should be resisted and rejected. So why am I getting even more aroused by the moment? He rips at my suit, pulls it off me in bits and pieces, discarding it across the surface of the station where solar winds play with it and carry it out into space. My nakedness feels natural. Essential, even.

“You’re a bad girl,” he purrs in my ear. “You deserve what I will do to you and with you. You need this.”

“He sold you, Ava.” The other Zed approaches, his expression turning to pure alien fury.

“So did you. I came back for her. I’ll always come back for her.”

“Give her to me. Now.”

I am trapped between two furious Zeds, very much vulnerable. The bad Zed’s grip on me grows tighter, both between my thighs and around my neck. I find my breath coming in shorter gasps as he draws me back and away. His fingers are toying and playing with my cunt, finding the folds and pinching my clit to amplify my excitement. I feel his teeth on the side of my neck, added incentive to buck against those fingers and try to get them inside me.