The aliens are fucking me. They may have no genitals themselves, but they have these tools which they can control. I can tell when one alien entity is replaced at the controls by another. Some of them ram the probes hard, pulling them all the way out of me and pushing them deep inside me. Others barely move the probes, instead choosing to use the various settings to make them throb and pulse and hum inside me.

The suckers can be used as lashes, I discover when one of the aliens manipulates them to pull off my lube-soaked cunt and return with a whipping motion which lands right over my clit.

“Ah fuck!” I curse. The alien has pulled the probe out of my mouth so it can hear me cry out. It is a little sadistic bastard, enjoying my pain. I am being punish fucked. Both rear probes are moving now, one and then the other, alternating in and out of my holes. The operator has clearly done this before. He makes sure I am never empty. One probe fills my ass as the other probe leaves my pussy, and then as my pussy is stretched wide, the other withdraws from my ass.

I can see indicators flashing on the walls. They are measuring my responses and my arousal. They are trying to work me toward an orgasm. They are soon successful. The multiple operators, the lubricant squirting from the various probes, and my own desperation for release combine to give me one of the most spine-tingling orgasmic experiences I have ever had without the benefit of a flesh partner. I come flailing in mid-air, my body twisting and arching, toes curling, cunt clenching and pulsing, even my ass gripping the probe vibrating furiously inside it with pure excitement. There is no loving connection. There is no warm embrace. There is nothing but my own sexual pleasure response, the raw need installed in me by evolution.

By the time I am lowered to the ground my cunt is aching, my ass is throbbing, and my nipples and clit are more tender than they have ever been. The probes slide slowly out of my holes, and the suckers remove themselves from my erogenous zones with a series of sticky little pops, leaving suction marks in their wake.

I roll about on the cool steel floor, embracing the relief until one of the gray aliens appears above me, its big, emotionless dark eyes peering at me with satisfaction.

“Good. Good. Very good. Incarcerate her, feed her, and bring her out for another session in two hours.”

* * *

I am carried off by a small crew of aliens who have no trouble carrying me even though they are clearly physically weaker than me, because their anti-gravity field is still very much in play, if to a lesser extent than before.

I was right in the beginning, in the space diner where we had the nice pie. My gut instinct has to have been bang on. I was the human he sold to the Aberk. I’ve been here before, in the past-future. I’ve dealt with these scumbags before, except I don’t remember it because it hasn’t happened yet.

Are the timelines getting confused with one another? I’m certainly confused with myself.

“Remember he always comes for her. Make sure she’s secure this time. If he comes back this time, kill him. We can’t risk him reclaiming her. The loops are becoming dangerous for us all.”

“It’s getting more outlandish every time, and they’re getting closer to getting away with it entirely. We can’t send the living void again.”

Always comes for her. I notice that phrase. How many times has this happened?

I’m starting to understand. And what I’m starting to understand is absolutely terrible. Is this my fault? Is it his fault? I have no idea. Fault might not matter anymore. Surviving might be all we need to do.

They float me to a place of incarceration. The cell is not well appointed. It is not comfortable. Worst of all, it is lonely. They expect Zed to try to break me out, but I really don’t think he can. It’s a room inside several other rooms, a box within a dozen boxes. These aliens have spent a very long time working out a way to contain me. In between the boxes are traps. Every hall is heavily guarded. Every series of barriers is charged with vast amounts of voltage, fire, and somehow, ice?

“You’re never getting out of here,” I am assured as the door to my cell is shut with a finality I find very concerning.

I have been quite literally drained. As much as I’d like to take some time to writhe around generally panicking, I just don’t have the energy. So I fall asleep with aching orifices, knowing that in a matter of hours I will be subjected to an alien-machine-gang-bang all over again.