“We told you that we would reclaim her, Zed,” they say. Three of them speak at the same time. I keep a tight, clenched grip on his hand, not wanting to be reclaimed. I have no idea what these aliens might want with me, but I get the feeling it is not pleasant and I would not enjoy it. “We get what we pay for.”

“Transport him outside the galaxy,” another of the alien says. “A long way, this time.”

“ZED!” I scream his name, but it is too late. He is gone. Their technology is clearly capable of extracting him from my grasp and sending him to some distant location in an instant.

“What the fuck!” I add, as an extra indication of my extreme displeasure. “Why did you do that?”

“You belong to us. You were sold to us. We intend to use you for the purposes we see fit.”

I look around at them all. There are about twenty-three of them, though fear and confusion may be making me miscount. I don’t see what they could want with me. They strike me as beings of intellect. Their heads are huge, but every other part of them seems to be atrophied. They are naked, in the way animals are naked, and I see no sign of genitals. That’s a good thing. It means they don’t want to violate me. Probably.

“What purposes?”

“You are a young and healthy human specimen,” they declare. The three who approached Zed and me are now ranged in a circle around me. I can’t keep my eyes on all of them at the same time. I am surrounded, and that makes me very uncomfortable.

“You’re not going to eat me like the old ladies with the teeth?”

“Eating humans is a crime,” they say. I am glad to hear it. “We intend to harness your energies in other ways.” They look over their shoulder. “Elevate her!”

I find myself becoming weightless, as if gravity was just turned off. The aliens give me a little nudge upwards and I find myself sort of slowly tumbling around in the middle of the room. It would be fun, if I was doing this recreationally and if I hadn’t just been abducted.

“Remove the exterior cladding!”

At first, I don’t know what that means. Then my clothes disappear.

“Enter her!”

Again, I do not know what is happening until it is happening. Ports in the walls open and mechanistic elements emerge. I get the impression that the aliens are very excited for what happens next. There is a vague chattering taking place all around me.

Nobody is speaking to me directly. They are not interacting with me like a someone. They are treating me like a something. I wish Zed was here, but with the power they wield I do not see how he could overcome them.

For the second time today, squid-like tentacles are reaching for me. I see them coming, languid and mechanical. Taking their time. When I look at my naked form, I see blue and green grids being intermittently displayed on my flesh. They’re scanning me. Taking my measure. They are working out how best to use me.

“Please,” I whimper, but my words are wasted. None of these entities are interested in my reaction. They are waiting for something else to happen. They are waiting for the probes to reach me.

They do not have to wait long.

I writhe in the air as the probes approach me, several dildo-like appendages floating at the ends of metallic cords winding through the air.

They enter me simultaneously, one sliding into my mouth, the other two pressing inside my pussy and my ass in a smooth gliding motion. I stiffen and tense, expecting pain. There is no physical pain. There is just a feeling of fullness, and now an inability to speak. The probe in my mouth is emitting a fluid of some kind, sweet enough to make me want to automatically swallow.

Just as I swallow their lubing juice, which I can also feel dripping out of my pussy, the probes begin to hum inside me, throbbing and pulsing. I grunt and moan around the intrusion in my mouth, but still nobody listens. I can feel my body adjusting to the probes very quickly. They are designed to suit the human body, that is obvious. More arrive soon, little suckling appendages just like those on the tentacles of the monster. These attach themselves to my clitoris and the surrounding delicate tissues, and to my nipples and breasts, and to my neck, and all over me until I am wrapped in a mesh of alien probes and suckers, metal mechanisms designed to turn me from a human being into an alien fuck toy.

“Good. Good. She has much carnal energy. Let the extraction begin. Operators, take turns in two-minute intervals.”

A control console rises from the floor, and one of the aliens takes its place there. I watch as their fingers dance over controls I can’t see. I can certainly feel the results, however. The probe in my pussy slides backwards several inches, then drives forward again. There is a collective cheer. My torment begins.