“Have you learned the lesson?”

“Yes.” I answer quickly, because all other potential answers lead back to the lash, and I do not want that.

“What’s the lesson?”

“Obey you.”

Those two words are harder to say than I expected. They catch in my throat, like I might choke on them.

“That’s right,” he says, tipping my face up to his. I meet his purple gaze and feel about as small as it is possible to feel. “You’re mine and you’ll obey me, or I will do that again. And now, for the second part…”

“Wait. What?”

I had almost forgotten the second part, or hoped that it was not something he truly intended on going through with.

“I told you what I would do to you, and I intend to do it,” he says. “Both parts.”


He’s running his hands over my thighs in a thoroughly intentional way. “Your punishment is not complete,” he intones. “And you know it.”


I don’t even know how to finish the sentence. He did tell me what he’d do, and I know he intends to carry it out. But if he does it in the same way he whipped me…

“I don’t know how much I can take. You are so big…”

He turns me over his knee and my uncertainties are swept aside by the spreading of my aching cheeks followed by the very tender, wet touch of what must be his tongue right on the tight little bud of my ass. His grip on my sore ass makes me whimper, his heat against the tight, tender spot which evaded punishment so far but will not for much longer. He swirls the tip of his agile tongue around and around, creating a small tornado of sensation between my cheeks. God. Is he going to actually make me want this? The heat from my thrashing is still intense. I am overloaded with sensation and some of it is being channeled to the soft, downy lips which hide the hole he has already claimed twice before.

* * *


I am going to fuck her ass.

I am going to sink my cock into that tight little hole, the one that makes her blush when it is so much as mentioned. I know this is considered taboo in human culture. They are very driven by the notion of purpose, and that means they feel most comfortable when they believe that things are being used for the correct purpose. Her ass is going to be used for my pleasure, and her discipline.

She tastes like salt and the remnants of desire which have slid down from her pussy. Does she know how wet she is? How her sex lips are spread and full, silently begging for my thick alien cock to once more spear inside them? I do not think she does. She is too busy worrying about what it will feel like when her anal virginity is rendered obsolete.

Ava is a very bad girl, and I am going to treat her like one.

I move pillows into the center of the bed and place her over them, her bright red ass a delicious beacon. The whip left very pretty, deeper marks of red curling over her skin. They will fade soon, but for now she looks as though she has been spanked by a tentacled creature which left no part of her deserving ass unpunished.

“Stay still,” I order. This is a test. I have told her that she must obey me. We will see if she is capable of that in any way. I have my suspicions she will disobey as soon as she has any reason to. She is not naturally obedient, and one punishment, no matter how thorough, is not enough to change her essential nature.

I know her body is tender and delicate. I will have to be very careful while fucking her ass. I choose a good lubricant, one capable of ensuring that the very sensitive and important mechanical parts associated with space travel are able to function while zipping through a planet’s atmosphere and being superheated. That should do the job.

A brief smear of it across her winking little hole will be more than enough. It is a compound with fascinating qualities.

“Eep!” She makes a little gasping sound and squirms her hips back and forth, waving her ass like a bright red flag. “It feels tingly.”

“Imagine how it will feel when my cock is inside you.”

“My ass can’t take you,” she whimpers. “Fuck my pussy, please.”

She would love it if I would change tack and instead give that soft, swollen, weeping slit of hers the honor of being filled by my cock. But that’s not going to happen.

“Your pussy is for pleasure,” I tell her, reminding her that she is being punished. “Your ass is for when you’ve been a bad girl and have to be disciplined.”

With that, I press the head of my cock against her ass. I know she’s going to have a hard time taking it. I know her tight, pink sphincter is going to have to submit, relax, and stretch to take me.