He lets me hold onto him through the rushing crescendo of my pleasure. I feel heat suffusing every part of me, making my face and chest flush, my toes curl, my fucking hair curl. He’s barely done anything and I cannot stop coming fucking hard.

The alien, what’s his name again? Oh, right. Zed. Zed pulls his fingers gently from me and tastes them. It’s a casual gesture which makes my quivering pussy clench tight all over again.

“Very nice orgasm,” he says. “Very good girl.”

His compliment makes me feel warm all over. I lie back, relaxed, my head spinning with all sorts of vaguely coherent thoughts.

“What are you going to do with me?” I ask the question in that post-orgasmic haze.

“I’m going to sell you.”

“What? You’re fucking not!”

I scramble up and grab for my suit. I need to get off this ship right fucking now. The fuzzy warm feelings are gone, replaced with cold pangs of fuck everything about this.

“Calm down,” he says, speaking an incredible dialect of universal asshole. What is it with men who know they’re in the wrong telling women to be calm? He grabs my suit as well. I pull back. He pulls harder. His sharp claws, which weren’t there before, dig into the fabric.

“You’re ripping it!” I cry out.

“You’re overreacting,” he replies, so damn calm.

“I am not! I will not be sold! I am not a commodity! I am a human being!”

He lets the suit go. I tumble back and would have fallen over but for the chair catching me and stopping me going tumbling onto the floor.

Zed stands up over me. “Are you done?”

I am not done. But before I can express how just not done I am, he talks again.

“Don’t worry. I’ll sell you, and then I’ll get you back. Then I’ll sell you again. No harm’s going to come to you. I don’t make any money from you if you stay sold.”

“So you want to space pimp me.” I do not feel any better. “You want me to fuck aliens for money.”

“No fucking required. Probably. Unless you want to?”

He sits down, this time in the cockpit, swiveling my chair around back upright to face his.

“You’re asking me if I want to fuck aliens for money.”

“You basically just fucked me for free. So…”

Oh god. He thinks I’m easy.

“You saved my life! And you touched me in ways that felt good…” I blush furiously, hearing my reasons and realizing they really don’t sound that coherent. I have sent some seriously mixed messages here. “So you want to use me to run some kind of scam, is that it?”

“That’s exactly it,” he says, leaning back in his captain’s chair. “Feel like another cocktail?”

I’m not going to say no. To the drink. I will definitely be saying no to the rest of this absolutely mad plan. This guy seems like the sort of alien who can be bargained with, though he’s obviously not what one might call trustworthy.

“What if I don’t want to go along with that plan?”

He gives a casual but massive green shrug. “You’re free to leave. There might be some scraps of ship left to cobble together out there.”

So that’s how it is. The cordial greeting, the gallant rescue, and the sweet drinks all cover for a much darker reality. I’m Zed’s prisoner, and he intends to sell me.

“Don’t look so annoyed,” he says. “This is actually a very good deal for you.”

“What’s my cut, then?”


“How much do I get for being sold?”

“Oh!” He brightens with understanding. “Nothing.”


“Your reward will be meeting new alien species, just as you wanted to when you disobeyed orders and took your ship past the Horsehead Nebula.”

“And being sold to those species…”

“Precisely. You get everything you want, and I get everything I want.”

Zed is a monster, but he’s the casual, charming, nice kind of monster that makes your mind do backflips over itself while you try to hate him. He has saved my life, but now he’s obviously going to ruin it. Or at the very least, put it at risk in a serious way. Then again, I suppose I was just putting it at risk, so what’s the difference?

I have no choice but to go along with him at least until we’re off the surface of this hell planet. There might be a moment where I get a chance to improve my situation, but for now, Zed is it.

“Your training begins now,” he announces. “Don’t look at me directly. A lot of species find that threatening.”

I look pointedly at the floor.

“That’s good but try to look less pissed off when you do it. Imagine that you are shy because of my magnificence, and you are awed by my presence.”

I flash my eyes up at him and then roll them.

“Not like that,” he sighs. “Maybe I can help.”

He pats his lap. “Come here.”