“It’s pretty hard to respect a liar and a thief.”

That was not the right thing to say. At all.

Zed grabs me and puts me back over his knee. The pilot’s seat is surprisingly able to handle one massive alien and a smaller human placed horizontally over his thighs.

“ZED!” I shout his name; I don’t know why. It’s not going to change what happens next. It’s not going to keep my pants up on my ass, or my underwear. It’s not going to stop him from baring me from the waist down. There’s no dignity with this alien. He does what he wants to me, when he wants to do it. I should have known better, but it was one of those times I had to say what I needed to say. This guy might very well get me killed.

His palm meets my ass in a swift, but surprisingly not-too-painful slap.

“If you’re having trouble with respect, I can help you with that,” he says. “We wouldn’t want you to struggle with that.”

“Zed, we almost died because you ripped someone off, and you plan to keep doing it. With me.”

“Yes,” he says, spanking me again, a little harder this time, so I can feel it quite clearly. I don’t know if he’s going to truly punish me, or if this is just some post-chase stress relief for us both. I know I love the way it feels when I am over his thighs. He is so big and so strong, and in spite of everything and all logic, I feel safe with him.

He spanks me firmly. “How about now? Is it easier to respect a liar and a thief now?”

“A little?”

“You are such a brat,” he growls with more affection than he probably wants in his voice. He slaps my ass again to make up for it. And then he slaps it again. Before I know what is happening, I am being given a very long, very hard spanking. My ass throbs to the beat of his palm, my thighs spreading, my hips grinding against his thighs. It is turning me on and I cannot help it.

Zed pulls my pants down. All the way down. He bares all the parts of me he took last night.

“You little masochist,” he laughs, swiping his big, familiar fingers up the seam of my netherlips. “You like being punished. That explains so much.”

“What? That’s not… it doesn’t explain anything.”

“That’s not true. It explains why you almost killed yourself disobeying your superiors to crash land on an alien world. It explains why you agreed to come with me and be part of my scheme…”

“You gave me literally no choice.”

“You could have waited for a rescue and reconnaissance party. They would have sent one eventually.” He slaps my ass, but not as hard. I don’t know if that’s because he’s less mad with me now, or if he doesn’t want to give me masochistic satisfaction. If this so-called revelation of his stops him from whipping me, that’ll be a win.

“Bad little human,” he growls, no longer spanking, but instead rubbing and playing with my ass. “What am I going to do with you?”

I don’t answer. I don’t want to give him any ideas, and I don’t want to earn any more punishment. He might think I am a masochist, but when Zed spanks me with real intention, that’s a pain I do not enjoy at all—even if it does have some pleasant aftereffects.

He rubs me lightly between my thighs, toying with the soft and tender parts of me. I feel pleasure starting to sink through me again. I could say many things to him, but I want to feel good. I need to feel good. And if there’s one thing Zed does, it’s make me feel good as often as he gets the chance.

“We should celebrate our escape.”

I don’t think he’s talking about wine and cheese. He’s talking about the only thing he has interest in, this oversexed human.

Zed swings me up off his lap and over the front of the pilot deck. I don’t have much in the way of time to react, but then again, my reaction is not overly important. I am wet and I smell of desire and that is all Zed needs to know.

I grab the front of the console and gasp as he slides inside me, that big, bulbous head of his massive alien cock making a second intrusion into my tight human body. He claimed me yesterday. I feel the ache of the loss of my alien virginity deep inside me. He tried not to be rough, but there is no way a beast like this can take a human like me without causing some residual tenderness.

Now, that tenderness could feel like pain, if he let it. But the heat in my ass and the reminder that no matter what I might think of his actions, he is in charge of me, leaves me in a biological state of pure need. I moan as he finds my depths, holds himself there for a moment, and then withdraws. That single long stroke is all I need to set me off, to make me forget everything besides the desires of my body. My inner walls grip him, partially because they have no choice. He is so large gripping him is the only option, and partially because his body sends mine into an overloaded, overcharged state of sexual need.