“It’s going to change the world.” There was a fervent look in Byrne’s eyes. “It’s going to change how we use satellites and make further space travel more than possible. It’s going to help make it cheaper and more accessible.”

“It’s going to make you even wealthier,” he pointed out.

Byrne huffed. “Not just me. I’m the idiot who tempted my higher-level employees with stock options.”

He wasn’t sure what that meant. He didn’t want to ask but found himself compelled to. “Stock options?”

“Yes. Hiring a truly exceptional subject matter expert can be a lot like an auction. Everyone wants this one person, and we all have to outbid each other. Like with Madeline.” Byrne whistled. “I’m not joking. She’s a thoroughbred in our world. I knew I needed her AI knowledge, but so does everyone else. It came down to me and a dude named Drew Lawless. I offered her less upfront salary but more stock options.”

She’d been offered a job in Texas? Andrew Lawless was a client of McKay-Taggart. More than a client, really. His sister was married to one of Tag’s brothers. “Wow. I didn’t know that had been a choice for her. I’m surprised she didn’t take the bigger salary.”

“Madeline’s savvy when it comes to money. She knew those options would make her rich, and it’s about to pay off. Not like it hasn’t before. I mean, you know all of this. She’s worked for me for five years, and those options have made her a millionaire a couple of times over. I pay the woman three hundred grand a year straight salary, but the stock is the gem in that contract. She’s held on to them. When this project launches, Byrne stock will go through the roof. She’ll go to bed with her paltry ten million and wake up to a hundred, and then I’ll have to find another way to keep her. You are a very intelligent man to pick her up again. She’ll keep you in style for the rest of your life.”

A pit opened in his stomach. He made what he’d thought was a good living, but he was pretty sure Maddie made his whole yearly salary in a week or two.

He was right back in high school. He’d heard it all the time. He was the beauty and she was the brains. Wasn’t he lucky to have someone to help with his homework since he was a dumb jock who was dating the girl who would one day rule the world? Was this how it would always be with them? He was the dude who carried her purse.

“I think I can take care of myself,” Deke said evenly. “But I’m very proud of Maddie’s achievements. She’s done well for herself.”

“She’s done well for the world,” Byrne corrected. “So let’s talk about what I should expect from this contract. I’m eager to get everything in place. I want my sub to feel safe with me.”

Deke forced his insecurities down and started to talk.

* * * *

Nolan watched the man Madeline had selected to top her as he went on about hard and soft limits. Something about the man was sending him warning bells.

He was too attractive for Madeline. It wasn’t like his AI expert was garbage in the looks department, but Deke could have been a male model. He was tall and incredibly fit, with all-American good looks and an easy smile.

He was exactly the kind of man Nolan hated. He was the kind of man the world handed things to. He would bet not once had Deke had his head held in a toilet. No. He would have been the asshole on the other side, the cool kid, the kind who casually stepped on his smarter, better peers for the simple fact that he was considered more handsome. Even if he hadn’t been, he’d almost surely turned a blind eye.

“You’ll need to go over all of this with Jane,” Deke was saying.

“Of course.” He wasn’t exactly listening to the man, rather studying him. He’d made a direct hit with the news of Madeline’s wealth. Deke hadn’t known how well she’d done, and it had bothered him.

Nolan understood the impulse. He wouldn’t be in a relationship with a partner who was more successful than him. It created an imbalance, or rather the wrong balance. The power should be in his hands. Always.

As Jane would soon learn.

The question now was what would his little AI tech learn?

He’d been thinking a lot about just how Madeline had manipulated him into giving her those stock options. If she left the company or was fired before the launch, she would have to sell them back. Oh, she would still make a lot of money, but nothing like what she would after the launch.

He had to play his cards right, make the timing line up, because he still needed the bitch. But it might be good to have some leverage on her.