Nolan’s lips quirked up. “I’m finding that letting my slightly darker side come out is refreshing. I’m afraid I’m known as a pretty happy-go-lucky guy.”

“Oh, I don’t think a man gets to your position without some dominant tendencies,” Deke murmured.

“Well, I certainly have a side that wants to dominate the tech world,” Byrne allowed. “And I’ve been known to be a bit ruthless when it comes to a business deal, but this is my first time taking my dominant tendencies into a more intimate setting. As for your prior question, we’re still at the talking stage. I’m looking forward to having a formal mentor. You’ve been in the lifestyle for a while according to Madeline.”

“More than a decade. I came to it through a group of friends who were involved,” Deke explained. “Though now I look back on my younger days and realize there was always some component of Dominance and submission to all of my sexual encounters. I simply didn’t know what to call those instincts.”

“So you and Madeline…” Byrne let the question dangle.

But Deke knew what he was asking. “Even when we were young we had roles we naturally fell into. When we reconnected, it was easy to see it had always been that way between us. Knowing who we are and what we want has been good for us this time around. I think you’ll find D/s facilitates communication between you and your partner.”

“Oh, yes. Jane likes to talk.” Byrne sat back. “We communicate quite well. Jane is fragile in some ways and mighty in others. Getting to know her, to talk about her needs, has made me think a lot about my own. It’s made me consider needs I didn’t realize I have.”

“Yes, when we really talk with our partners, I think the relationship is strengthened. I know it has for Maddie and myself. We’ve found a good place for both of us through careful negotiation,” Deke explained. “I’ll be happy to talk to you about contracts or anything else you’re interested in. Do you have one with Jane?”

“No, and that’s a problem for us.” A sigh went through Byrne. “She doesn’t want to sign a contract without a mentor in place. So you can understand how important this is to me. We are reaching a point in our relationship where I would very much like to move forward, and the lack of a contract is an issue.”

“Well, let’s start talking then.” It was good to know Byrne was horny. He could use that. “We’ll go to The Reef on Friday. You mentioned you’d sent over the nondisclosures. Has Jane signed?”

“Yes. She sent them as well as filling out all the necessary paperwork for the background check,” Byrne replied. “She’s also talked to them about a particular request. She’d like to wear a mask as part of her fet wear. It’s important to her. She’s working with a therapist, and they believe this is a part of taking back her power.”

“Wearing a mask?” He’d heard it all, but he wasn’t sure how the two connected.

“Yes, she felt like she had to wear one for her past Dom,” Byrne explained. “When she feels comfortable, taking the mask off will be a signal that she’s truly my submissive. She will take off her mask and I attach my collar. It’s going to be a ceremony not unlike a wedding. Like I said, I care about this woman. I want to give her what she needs.”

He didn’t see a problem with it as long as Kayla didn’t. There was one dude at Sanctum who liked to wear a full-on rubber suit that covered every inch of his skin. Well, his dick hung out, but the rest was totally covered. “Will she be wearing it in the locker room?”

“Of course not. I understand she needs to prove she’s the person whose background has been checked. Otherwise, she could be a reporter,” Byrne allowed. “No, I understand the idea of walking into the club as who you are and changing into who you want to be.”

There was some truth to his words. “You’ll be going in as visitors, but hopefully they’ll talk to you about a full membership after you’ve attended a few times.”

“I hope Madeline and Jane can be friends.” The smile was back on Nolan’s face. “And that you and I can be, too. You know what they say. It’s lonely at the top. I’m very excited about our trip on Friday. I’m having a little dinner party on Saturday and I was thinking you and Madeline could come. It’s just a celebration of getting that much closer to the finish line. It’s all coming together. In the next couple of months, this company is going to be bigger than Apple, bigger than anything they’ve ever seen.”

The man had ambitions. Deke had to temper his own enthusiasm because getting invited to Byrne’s for a dinner party might be their ticket to his private laptop. “Yes, Maddie tells me this satellite project is going to be important. We would love to help celebrate.”