She allowed him to roll her on her back, her eyes drifting closed as he stroked his hand over her silken skin. She was calm now, her whole body relaxed, when she’d been a bundle of stress before. “I suppose you could say all my sex has been vanilla up until now. Although we haven’t actually had sex. It might be fun, though.”

He would love to play with her, to sit down and plan out scenes or let things happen organically. He would love to explore how creatively he could fuck her. She had a big imagination and was a total geek, so he could see some cosplay in his future.

If they had a future…

There was one thing he needed her to understand. He cupped her breast, loving the softness of her skin and the way her nipple had peaked against his palm. “You are not responsible for anything that is happening now or what the people who are using your technology do with it.”

Her eyes opened. “I know that logically. It’s different emotionally, but, Deke, I don’t want to talk about that. Not tonight. I feel good right now. I want to stay in this place with you.”

He wanted to lock down the relationship, but it was too soon for her. She’d come so far in the course of a few days. She’d vowed she wouldn’t sleep with him much less share a room with him, and here she was. He could win her over. All he needed was a little time.

And a whole lot of pleasure.

He needed to show her how good it could be between them.

“You want to stay in the place where you’re my sweet little fuck toy and you do anything I ask of you?”

Her gaze went hot, staring at the part of his body that ached right now. “Yes. I’m talking about that place. You’re right. It’s different in practice. In my head I don’t imagine that I’m the woman who needs permission, but I think I do. I think my head goes so many different directions, I need help to focus on this part of me.”

The sexual part. The sensual part.

“Good. It’s good for you to tell me what you need.” He was naked in bed with the most gorgeous woman he’d ever seen, and it was time to take control again. Sex was so much more than pumping his way to orgasm. Sex was long periods of time where he explored his lover’s body, learned what made her come quickly, and how to draw the orgasm out when he wanted to.

He’d had Maddie hundreds of times, but she was a different person now and so was he. He got to learn her all over again.

“You’re going to do everything I ask you to do, baby. Do you understand? In this bed you’re mine. You’re mine to fuck and please and spank. Anything I want.”

“Yes.” The word came out on a breathless sigh.

“This gorgeous body belongs to me.” He would bet she didn’t think of herself as beautiful and hot and so fuckable she made his dick hard when she walked into a room.

“I think it always has.”

Sweet honesty. The crying session had softened her up, and he was going to be the ruthless bastard who didn’t let her take it back. He was going to bring down all her walls and not let her build them up ever again. Not for him. “I’ll make up for lost time. Starting now.”

He brought their mouths together in a long, luxurious kiss. His cock was dying, but he meant to take his time with her. She’d opened to him tonight, and he wasn’t going to reward that trust with a quick roll, like he might have when they’d been in high school.

He was going to show her that her Dom was a patient top, that he could lavish her with affection and show her how much she moved him.

He let their tongues tangle, warmth flowing through him as he covered her body with his. He didn’t hold his weight off her as her legs opened, sliding over his. “I’ve missed you, Madeline.”

She shook her head. “Not now. I can’t do that tonight. I need to be your submissive right now.”

He wanted to growl with frustration, to force her to admit they belonged together, but if this was all she could handle, then he would top her. “Baby, you’re going to let me explore your body. You’re going to be still or I’ll tie your hands again. When we get into the club, I’ll find a bench where I can tie your hands and feet, and you won’t be able to move. I’ll be able to touch you anywhere I want, play with any soft, sweet part of you I desire.”

“I can be still.”

His cock was against her pussy, and all it would take was a simple thrust, but he wasn’t getting off so easily and neither was she. He kissed her again before lowering his head to her neck, inhaling her sweet scent. Everything about this woman felt like home to him, and he ached that he wasn’t the same for her. He kissed his way down her neck toward her breast. “When I’m done there won’t be an inch of you I haven’t kissed.”